Why do YOU love Maglite


Aug 24, 2008
Hi guys, after reading many threads in "Good deals" section i almost couldn't believe it. American made flashlight, from probably most recognized flashlight manufacturer, built to last, with multi-mode switch, high-brightness Rebel LED, that runs on 2AA batteries, was on sale for something around 9$. This is freakin awesome! Why the hell can Maglite compete with superb quality (for average users) AND with very tempting prices, and other US/European manuf. can't? This company is a bright hope for western manufacturing and a good example of being competitive if you just aren't too greedy for quick money.
Maglites are simply tough, reliable, recognized and affordable. They're easy to use and they give somewhat feeling of safety. I will never forget the moment i first held Maglite in my hand... They aren't the last "scream of fashion" but they DO the job they're meant to do: Illuminate our paths.

Do you guys feel the same? They aren't the brightest, smallest and even cheapest flashlights avaliable, but hell i love them! (My father would even pick my Magcharger over my Lx2 or Nitecore anytime:))
I love them cause:

simple to mod :D

My favorite: P7 0.75D. Runtime: Over 60min on high ;)
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I love their price, simplicity, warranty, modability and form factor (2C/D).

I have two Mags that I love...2D 6xNIMH ROP, KD MOP reflector, Boro lens...Prefer to use the 5cell Xenon lamp though, bright enough and runs for nearly 2 hours.

The other is a 2C with 2cell Xenon run on alkies and with a KD MOP as well...Bright enough for most tasks an has a beautiful Surefire like beam...This one however will be upgraded soon with 2 Accupower LSD C's and Reflectalite's GH88.

I have many other Mags, but these are my favs! :thumbsup:
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Welcome to CPF, wingnut86.

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Thanks for the Welcome DM51! I never verified that account and lost the e-mail, so I made a new one...Thank you for disabling the old one.
I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Mini-Maglites,
having EDC - carried one for more than 2 Decades.

Gotta' admit to being pleasantly surprised with their
new version, with Rebel emitter and multi-modes.

And, that Home-Depot sale price of $9.88,
probably the Bargain of the Year !

Why the hell can Maglite compete with superb quality (for average users) AND with very tempting prices, and other US/European manuf. can't? This company is a bright hope for western manufacturing and a good example of being competitive if you just aren't too greedy for quick money.

With the exception of the Mag switch, and possibly the reflector, Mag modified an existing idea (alum. body flashlight). They introduced a light at a moderate cost for the time $20 (using 1979 as the introdcution point and adjusting for inflation present cost would be $60).

Where Mag has been successful has been keeping costs low, consistently around $20. They introduced the Magcharger and caught a large portion of the LE market for a long time. They introduced the Minimag and got another segment of the market. All the time establishing the "Mag" mystique.

The reason for the low cost is Mag isn't innovative anymore. Other companies are light-years ahead in research and development. Mag was years behind in there introduction of an LED.

Anyway, all that being said, I love Mags. I own about 35 of them, altogether.
To be honest, I wasn't much a fan. I preferred more the the functional and economical Fulton.

But I've bought into Maglite quite extensively due to the overwhelming availability of upgrade parts here on CPF.
Because they started me on my quest for the "better" flashlight in the early 1980's. I carried many 3, 4, & 5 D cells over the years, along with many 2 & 3 C cells (and still do!).

But the Mini-Mags really got me started! I carried 1 from 1984 until I got my first SureFire 6P's ( & 9P) in 1995.

Many reasons I love Mags:

Commonly available
Inexpensive to buy and operate
Adequate original design and performance
Recent improvements have made them even better
Everybody, everywhere, sells hotrod parts to make them do whatever you want.
D-cell models also work as a hammer and/or club - can't say that about my beloved Fenix P3D.
They are so much like a 1955 Chevy. Reasonably heavy. Easy and intuitive to use, they are engineering that is still pleasant to use, despite much higher performance alternatives.

They look good.

The smooth rounded edges are much better when entering/exiting the pocket. If I could easily touch up the anodizing, I would soften the edges on ALL my lights.

If it's a Mag, I'm much more willing to hand it out as a loaner :)
I dont love maglites, i do Love MY Maglite.
i was given a 3d cell maglite by my grandparents when i was around 12-14 years old, (im nearly 28 now)
it survived many scout camps, a few years working security, and my attempt to mod it for a mr16 downlight.
i still have it, and i am now contemplating replacing the switch, reflector and lens, and putting a malkoff dropin, and rechargeables in it.

The Magcharger is a good light too, solid and dependable, although there is a lot of lights that offer similar or better performance for less size and weight now, they are still a good, very simple light that offers a good brightness.
mine will probably wind up mounted in my next car.
I just had to throw that out there...Maglite was where I started well over a decade ago...but I would like to see them evolve to keep up with the Surefire/Fenix etc...Of course this is just my humble opinion...

Yep, still supplying flashlights that double
as impact weapons.
Sometimes when I'm working on them, I can't help but be taken by the simple genius of their design.

I remember when I first learned how to dismantle one. I thought it was going to be complicated and need special tools. Then you find out you just stick an allen key in the switch, then it can be completely stripped down with no other tools. Kind of blows you away the first time.

And the Mini Mag, how do you even put the simplicity of it's action resulting in it's level of function into words ?
I was content in the flashlight department with a half a dozen mini-Mags for a long time. Then an LED conversion started me on the slippery slope to Flashaholism. I'm grateful to those Mag for designing a light that was the target of so many conversions, except when the VISA bill comes....

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