Why does the Turbo on my P3D appear dimmer?

Dr James Fox

Newly Enlightened
May 19, 2008
Midland, TX
I've had my P3D Premium Q5 for around 8 months or so, and absolutely love the light.(It's my EDC)
Recently I am certain the Turbo mode has gotten dimmer.
I've swapped in fresh batteries multiple times but to no avail.
How I notice this is that my 6P(with stock bulb) used to be not as bright as my P3D but has recently appeared to be quite a bit brighter.
My P3D still cycles through all of the modes like normal, with light output increasing in the same increments(Or so I guess with the naked eye) as it has before. Maybe I only notice Turbo because it's the mode I used most often?
At any rate, I was under the impression that an LED bulb shouldn't become dimmer over time and I definitely am well with in this bulb's projected lifespan.
I would hate to send this into Fenix if there's just some simple fix for it.
Thanks for any help.:thumbsup:
The P3D on turbo should appear unquestionably brighter than the 6P, even to the untrained naked eye. Both my Rebel and Q5 P3Ds are far brighter than a P60 or even P61 lamp assembly.

LED's do in fact degrade some over time but if you're seeing that much difference in a year's time I'm guessing that it has a problem. Fenix would be able to identify a problem best so I recommend sending it in.
I rarely use my lights on their highest settings, but I use them a LOT, and on very high settings, and after 2 years my 120 is still just as bright on high and burst. I'd either send it in, or swap the led, which might be faster and more satisfying.
Alright cool, I'll send it in.
Yeah, I don't doubt there's a flaw in the LED. It makes me sad to be without my P3D for awhile though:mecry:
Another thing is I don't have the original warranty card and can't find one on the internet anywhere.(Why have you failed me, Google?!)
I gathered from reading the warranty that it needs to be filled out and sent in with the light. Where do I go for it?