Dr James Fox
Newly Enlightened
I've had my P3D Premium Q5 for around 8 months or so, and absolutely love the light.(It's my EDC)
Recently I am certain the Turbo mode has gotten dimmer.
I've swapped in fresh batteries multiple times but to no avail.
How I notice this is that my 6P(with stock bulb) used to be not as bright as my P3D but has recently appeared to be quite a bit brighter.
My P3D still cycles through all of the modes like normal, with light output increasing in the same increments(Or so I guess with the naked eye) as it has before. Maybe I only notice Turbo because it's the mode I used most often?
At any rate, I was under the impression that an LED bulb shouldn't become dimmer over time and I definitely am well with in this bulb's projected lifespan.
I would hate to send this into Fenix if there's just some simple fix for it.
Thanks for any help.:thumbsup:
Recently I am certain the Turbo mode has gotten dimmer.
I've swapped in fresh batteries multiple times but to no avail.
How I notice this is that my 6P(with stock bulb) used to be not as bright as my P3D but has recently appeared to be quite a bit brighter.
My P3D still cycles through all of the modes like normal, with light output increasing in the same increments(Or so I guess with the naked eye) as it has before. Maybe I only notice Turbo because it's the mode I used most often?
At any rate, I was under the impression that an LED bulb shouldn't become dimmer over time and I definitely am well with in this bulb's projected lifespan.
I would hate to send this into Fenix if there's just some simple fix for it.
Thanks for any help.:thumbsup: