Why no Nano charger for 14500 size?


Oct 2, 2007
I have and love my single bay Nano AAA charger, and I see that there is one available for CR123 size as well. Why is there not one for such a common size as 14500? Are there any other compact single bay lithium chargers for 14500?
I'm guessing the use of 14500 is not as wide spread as other battery type so it's not cost effective for manufactuer to make one. That and people don't know about batteries would charge nimh in it and :poof:
This is slightly larger than the Nano charger, but it works fine for me. Plus, you can pop in a NiMH and it'll charge that properly, as well.
But isn't 14500 AA sized? Surely that is more common than either AAA or CR123?

How many people do you know outside cpf use li-ion 14500? Or even on cpf for that matter, compare to rcr123a? The few people who do is not big enough a market to justify making one.
I hear you, but who (outside of us geeks) really uses the 10440 size either? There is a Nano in that size!
Wow, theses looks incredible, but, are they reliable? Where is the company located?
No idea, probably China. As I said, they work fine for me (sample of one :whistle: ). I also use the 9V connector to charge AA NiMHs in carriers with 9V snap connectors. That connection only charges at 150mA (to be safe for a 9V NiMH's tiny AAAA cells, I suppose), so I figure that's a pretty sedate trickle charge rate if you keep on resetting the timer (unplug and replug) and ZTSing a couple individual cells once or twice a day.

I've charged Li-Ions with it to 4.2V. I'll charge an 18500 with it now and then measure it with a higher-resolution DMM.
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AW Protected 18500
Starting voltage: 3.71V
Ending voltage: 4.21V

The cell sat in the charger for a good while after the LED turned a solid green.
And now for NiMH:

Cell: Lenmar NoMem Pro-H 2Ah
Starting voltage: 1.157V
Start time: 9:55 AM 6/15/2008
Ending voltage: 1.462V
End time: 8:59 PM 6/15/2008
11hrs eh? Trickle charge, eh? Better than too fast!

And now for NiMH:

Cell: Lenmar NoMem Pro-H 2Ah
Starting voltage: 1.157V
Start time: 9:55 AM 6/15/2008
Ending voltage: 1.462V
End time: 8:59 PM 6/15/2008
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11hrs eh? hat is a trickle charge.... better than too fast!
I didn't end the test as soon as the light turned green. I just popped in the cell and left it there. If this helps any, charging currents are listed as 300mA for a single NiMH cell, 230mA for a single Li-Ion, and 150mA for the 9V connectors.

At the moment, it's charging six AA NiMHs in a 6AA carrier. Instead of explaining how it's connected, here's a pic:

Creative.... so, the charger does work...... interesting... seems like it would be good for travel at least!


I didn't end the test as soon as the light turned green. I just popped in the cell and left it there. If this helps any, charging currents are listed as 300mA for a single NiMH cell, 230mA for a single Li-Ion, and 150mA for the 9V connectors.

At the moment, it's charging six AA NiMHs in a 6AA carrier. Instead of explaining how it's connected, here's a pic: