Will a 2.5" THROW MASTER by Fivemega fit on a Wicked Brand Torch?


Newly Enlightened
Sep 12, 2008
I own a Wicked Torch and use it with a 12volt, 100W, GY6.35 Osram bulb. Does anyone know if the 2.5" Throw Master by Fivemega will work on this light?
Thank you,
This is a good question. And sadly hasn't been answered sooner.

Let me tell you that FM's 13x2/3 M@g623 host interchanges heads with the WL Torch perfectly.

That entirely leads me to believe that the answer to your questions is; YES.

I am basing my future purchases on this.... so it had better be true. :thumbsup:
Dear Nessus:

I had all but given up on receiving a reply to this post. Thank you very much!
Well... guess what...

I finally bought the FM Throw Master... and it DIDN'T fit on the Wicked Torch.
I was quite perplexed actually:

  • The FM 13x2/3 M@g623 head fits the Wicked Torch.
  • The Throw Master fits the 13x2/3 M@g623.
  • The Throw Master DOESN'T fit the Wicked Torch.
I sat on my couch fiddling for 30 min... in kindergarten they taught me that things like this should work. Maybe I missed some subtle caveats. :thinking:
Now our friend donn_ will have the pleasure of this Throw Master. He bought it 4 mins after my FS post!

Next test... FM3V-2. We'll see...
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What is it that doesn't fit? Are the threads different, or does the reflector bump up against the lamp holder, or is it something else? Pics would have helped, but if you've sold it...