willl microsfot let me trade windows vista for xp?


*the raggedier*
Aug 11, 2003
i bought vista because im a moron and it is with out a doubt the bigest peace a crap i have ever used. i lose my internet conection every single day nver happened with linux .i have issues transfering images from my camera.and my mp3 player.it crashes on me.it ask me everytime i do something if im sure i want to do it(what the frick do ya think i clicked it for grrr)so will they let me trade it for xp.before i have a stroke
it ask me everytime i do something if im sure i want to do it(what the frick do ya think i clicked it for grrr)so will they let me trade it for xp.before i have a stroke

Go into control panel/security/security center and turn off user account control, that will stop the annoying "are you sure you want to" pop up.

I still prefer XP (on my hotrod desk top) but am learning to tame and live with Vista on my laptop.
Go into control panel/security/security center and turn off user account control, that will stop the annoying "are you sure you want to" pop up.

Be aware that UAC is not only a major security improvement, but a functionality one as well (it's required for file/registry virtualization goodies which help old un-Vista-friendly software function in Vista). I'd disable my antivirus software before I'd shut off UAC.

As for trading Vista for WinXP: if you licensed Vista Business OEM or Vista Ultimate OEM, then you get downgrade rights to WinXP Pro at no charge, and that procedure is also reversible (you can give up XP Pro and go back to Vista later). Here's the lowdown on how to do so: http://download.microsoft.com/downl...cbd-699b0c164182/royaltyoemreferencesheet.pdf

Big picture: if your system's crashing when you connect portable devices, make sure you scan them for malware. Also, I did my best to help with your network issues, but you really weren't answering the necessary questions, which makes it tough to help ya, sorry bro :poke:
Be aware that UAC is not only a major security improvement, but a functionality one as well (it's required for file/registry virtualization goodies which help old un-Vista-friendly software function in Vista). I'd disable my antivirus software before I'd shut off UAC.

As for trading Vista for WinXP: if you licensed Vista Business OEM or Vista Ultimate OEM, then you get downgrade rights to WinXP Pro at no charge, and that procedure is also reversible (you can give up XP Pro and go back to Vista later). Here's the lowdown on how to do so: http://download.microsoft.com/downl...cbd-699b0c164182/royaltyoemreferencesheet.pdf

Big picture: if your system's crashing when you connect portable devices, make sure you scan them for malware. Also, I did my best to help with your network issues, but you really weren't answering the necessary questions, which makes it tough to help ya, sorry bro :poke:
i tryied but im awefull at reading and geting what people mean in my head.thats why i love youtube.i am pretty sure ill just go back to xp.i guess ill lose windows media center though since the basic xp dont have it.id go right back to linxu if they had driver for my ati 650 tv card
mechBgon thanks for the info, I just disabled it without any research, I am the only user so I figured no harm. I will see if it becomes less annoying over time.
Go into control panel/security/security center and turn off user account control, that will stop the annoying "are you sure you want to" pop up.

I still prefer XP (on my hotrod desk top) but am learning to tame and live with Vista on my laptop.

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That was probably put in by the Department Of Redundancy Department :tinfoil:
I'm sure we may be able to use vista by the time SP2 comes out. Until then I'll stick with XP, Linux (various distros, live flash drive for my cruddy dell at work), and probably dabble in OSX someday as I haven't played with fruit for a few years now.

I find a lot of vista to be annoying but for me the dealbreaker was the DRM garbage. When Vista wouldn't let me play certain video clips at their native resolution on whatever device I wanted I gave up. And then went back to an OS designed to benefeit the user, not some large company trying to protect imaginary property just in case I happened to have some of it in my possession.
Trying to give a highly technical presentation with high speed video and motion capture/ CGI on a large screen just doesn't work with vista when you can't even play the video you authored yourself (with very expensive equipment).
It's becoming well known that the best upgrade you can do to a vista system is to install XP :)

Based on the quickly-increasing need for Vista's proactive security features in today's world, I disagree :) As an interesting case in point, it's estimated that about half the maliciously-coded websites that are attacking people's computers, are now normally-safe sites which have been compromised (ref: http://www.securityfocus.com/brief/667 ). Another modern hazard is "malvertising." Vista in its default configuration gives you a fighting chance against this stuff.

Microsoft reports that Vista's substantially outperforming WinXP in security matters, with some real-world metrics to consider here: http://blogs.msdn.com/windowsvistas...23/windows-vista-security-one-year-later.aspx Fewer vulnerabilities, more mitigation, far fewer infections IRL.

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater, is all I'm sayin' :) Not many of the "Vista sucks" bandwagoneers seem to be aware of the effort that's been put into security, at a time when we have increasing need for it. For those who'd rather run WinXP or Win2000, I particularly encourage them to review their security gameplan, and I made a page with suggested security steps to help with that (those tips apply to Vista as well, of course). Firewall and antivirus software isn't enough, IMO.

Trying to give a highly technical presentation with high speed video and motion capture/ CGI on a large screen just doesn't work with vista when you can't even play the video you authored yourself (with very expensive equipment).

The DRM aspect is not my specialty, but unless you are deliberately putting DRM into your own content when you create it, directly or indirectly, you shouldn't be hitting the reduced-resolution issue, AFAIK. Maybe some investigation is in order. The goal of HDCP-enforced DRM is for the content to be unable to play at designed quality on anything but a fully-compliant system, so if it won't play back on Vista because your Vista system has non-compliant hardware, then by design it shouldn't play back on any other OS with non-compliant hardware.
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That was probably put in by the Department Of Redundancy Department :tinfoil:
ahh, so you mean the whole vista team (which didnt include Gates)

well mechBgon, its probably true that vista is alot better secured, but i think the trade off between better security, and the little messages like the one parodied in my above post, is not worth it. Coupled with the new explorer style which is quite drastically different, and Im sticking with xp.
and my firefox :D
That said, i dont use xp's firewall anyway...:grin2:

ahh, so you mean the whole vista team (which didnt include Gates)

well mechBgon, its probably true that vista is alot better secured, but i think the trade off between better security, and the little messages like the one parodied in my above post, is not worth it. Coupled with the new explorer style which is quite drastically different, and Im sticking with xp.
and my firefox :D
That said, i dont use xp's firewall anyway...:grin2:


Best of luck :) and if you like FireFox but would like to bump security up a notch, (1) try out the NoScript add-on for FireFox (a useful defense in many situations where you're visiting a site that's been turned infectuous by the bad guys), and (2) try out Secunia's free vulnerability checkup (you can set it to not run all the time, since it's a little bit of a nuisance when it does). I'd also suggest updating your Internet Explorer to IE7 even if you don't routinely use IE yourself, so that if it gets invoked somehow, your system has the most secure version of it. :)

Internet Explorer users who'd like to do the equivalent of NoScript can do so as well. I made a screen-capture video showing how to do that, let's see if it still works or not... http://home.comcast.net/~mechbgon/IE7_tuning.wmv Aha, yep, still available. In the case of IE7 on Windows Vista, also make sure to leave Protected Mode enabled for all Zones (Protected Mode will not be available if you disable UAC, incidentally).

By the way, check out the graph in this blog post by Sunbelt Software for the malware scenario that security companies are up against lately. Anyone see a trend there...? ;) If possible, get some proactive layers into your defense, not just reactive measures like traditional antivirus software.
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I've been using K-Meleon for some time and have been very satisfied. I used to use Firefox but it became problematic (slow, resource drain).
There's something about Bill Gates walking out the door, when Windows is more messed up than it's ever been, that's vaguely disturbing.
Re: Will microsoft let me trade windows Vista for xp?

There are clearly plenty of people who still prefer XP over Vista despite the "improvements" offered by Vista. :huh2:

Remember when XP was crappy? :eeew:
From service pack #2 on, it was much better. :)
I'm still using XP Pro btw. ;)

Would be kinda cool if Vista could be improved like that. :thinking:
Vista just needs to be better in a way that more people will actually appreciate imho.
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one weird thing about vista that i like but dont understand it goes in a deep sleep i mean i always think its off but its just very very silent i dont even here one fan.soon as i hit power butten it wakes up
There's something about Bill Gates walking out the door, when Windows is more messed up than it's ever been, that's vaguely disturbing.

Messed up? Vista broke a large cross-section of existing malware that works as designed on WinXP (ref: http://www.symantec.com/enterprise/...og/2006/12/hit_or_miss_vista_and_current.html ). You tell me which version of Windows is the messed-up one ;) But if you prefer WinXP, just take some precautions. It's supported until August 2013 if I recall correctly, so you have time to play the wait-&-see game if you want.
I'm personally unimpressed with Vista.
MS has made some good changes with regards to security, but for me the benefits don't come close to outweighing the added drain on resources and general annoyance.
I'm keeping XP on both of my windows machines until software requirements demand otherwise.

And as far as Vista breaking certain malware -- Don't worry....there will be plenty of updated malware in no time!
Re: Will microsoft let me trade windows Vista for xp?

There are clearly plenty of people who still prefer XP over Vista despite the "improvements" offered by Vista. :huh2:

Remember when XP was crappy? :eeew:
From service pack #2 on, it was much better. :)
I'm still using XP Pro btw. ;)

Would be kinda cool if Vista could be improved like that. :thinking:
Vista just needs to be better in a way that more people will actually appreciate imho.

My understanding is Microsoft is replacing Vista in 2009 with whatever is currently named Codename:Vienna. I don't see much development being wasted on Vista.
For consumers, buying it was waste enough. I skipped it altogether and went the Linux route instead. No complaints here.

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