Wolf Eyes M90 Bezel..??


Mammoth Killer
Nov 13, 2003
Birmingham Al.
I am thinking of changing my duty light from the D36 Raider to the M90 simply for the better offerings of higher power aftermarket lamps. There are many options for the M90 and almost none to fit the D36 Raider. I searched all over the forum and can not find much information about the bezel of the M90 model.

What I need to know is how the lens is attatched to the bezel of the M90 shock isolated bezel. In the Raider I have now the lens is sealed and if it breaks I have to buy an entire new bezel. I seem to remember an old thread showing the M90 to have a lens that could be easily replaced due to a screw down locking ring. If anyone has the current version of the M90 can you tell me if the lens is sealed or replaceable?

Also I could not find a pic of the D36 turbo model with the M90 side by side and I am wondering just how much larger the M90 is as it will be carried full time on duty in my current leather holster for the Raider. Those lumen factory lamps I found while searching for other information simply look perfect for what I want from my light. I would probably pass on the M90 if I had to buy an entirely new bezel if I break the glass (which I often have done with my Raider)

Thanks for any help on this and I would have called PTS to ask however they are closed and I want to order before the weekend is out.
Just had a look at my M90 standard bezel and you can not take the glass out, there is no way to screw out the inside ring. Cant remember what the Raider bezel is like......The M90 is one of my favourite 2x 18650 lights, just tried it out with the HO-9L lamp and remembered how bright it is.......Did not know that you could get a D36 Bezel for the Raider, I only ever had the D26 bezel and lamps for mine.
It appears that the retaining ring is pressed fitted into place. If you broke the glass you probably could push the ring out if you applied pressure evenly to it and replace the lens and then push fit the ring back into place. Thats what I would do. There was one place that had replacement bezels with glass for 12.00 but can't remember where it was. if I find it I'll post it. The M90 with the 450 lumens drop in is one of my favorite set ups. Definetly a go to light for tactical situations. Try this www.flashlightcool.com
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Thanks for the help on this and I am now trying to decide if I want to go ahead and purchase the M90. I simply love my Raider however the one fault I see in my usage is the weak glass lens with no ability to replace the lens. I have broken several and each time had to buy an entirely new bezel so I now use a modded head with plastic lens to avoid problems.

I am tempted by the high numbers and output of the M90 aftermarket lamps and I believe the M90 may resist breaking of the lens a little better. It does say the M90 has a shock resistant bezel so maybe that will help.
Have you tried to use a regular Sniper bezel on the Raider? Not sure if it will fit but on my Sniper bezel you can screw out the internal glass retaining ring, although I dont know if you can buy just the glass lens on its own. One of my other liked 2x 18650 lights is a Sniper with a 168 extender and a LF EO-9 lamp and the LED tailcap. You would need a metal ring of some sort to go between the sniper body and the 168 extender for good electrical contact.
Have you considered LED? Especially for a duty light reliability is very important. LEDs can't burn-out like a bulb will eventually. And it might happen at a really bad time.

There's some LEDs with really nice tints available now.

by the way - I really like my M90, but it sucks batteries too fast. I'm waiting for an LED drop-in with a nice tint to be available for it.
I'm trying to remember why you didn't want my M90 before I sold it last year. You know I'd have practically given it to you. Was there something about it not fitting your holster, or sticking you in the side because it was longer than the Raider?
The output was great with the EO-9L from Lumens Factory, and the 9V WE lamp was the same as your 9D, just with more runtime.
There's no shock isolation, though. Never could figure out why they claimed that. Being a heavier light, I'd think it would be less likely to withstand shock from a drop or whatever than your Raider.
Hey Owen....Honesty I had almost forgot you had one and really did not remember much about it. I think I was so excited about my new Raider I did not pay much attention to the M90 you had. I remember trying to choose between the two when I bought my Raider and I thought the M90 was more plain looking and I liked the Raider better.

Now that I see the M90 has so many more options I am thinking about the purchase of the entire light,charger combo.
There's no shock isolation, though. Never could figure out why they claimed that. .

I never got this either:confused::shrug:.

On a second note:Remember you could always go for a LF LED drop-in which will give you a reliable 200ish Lumens for 4.4 hours off of 2x 18560 batteries:thumbsup:. My best set up though "if I had to rely on this light for very long periods of time at night "every night" would be to get the extender and then you end up with 6.6 hours of light "It's like 25-50% more power then a Mag charger "only an hour of run time with those" , running as long as a conventional D cell Maglite with no drop in out put:twothumbs!

Oh a world on the charger. So far every time I've used it the batteries have never differed in voltage from one and other, for a nice uniform "safe" charge with AW 18650's:thumbsup:. Though my charger will not bring them up past 4.10 volts:thinking:. I don't think of this as a flaw though because they are always consistent in voltage and with a quick charge rate it isn't to bad to shave a little run time for increased battery cycle life in the long run;).
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Vermonter I have considered LEDs or higher power luxeons and have actually tested several on duty. I have seen a few that come close to doing all I need for patrol however honestly I much prefer the incandescents for a main light. I have several back up lights that are luxeon however again I believe the old patrolman in me will never be able to fully get away from incandescents.

Brute output is close with several luxeons today however again personally incandescents do that plus everyting else for me. That is a heated debate usually (incans vs luxeons) and we all have our favorites. I will not get into that topic in this thread however will say I do plan on buying some of the R2 drop ins for either my Raider or new M90 should I decide to buy it.

I spoke to Mike at PTS today and he was a big help and is always nice to do business with. He confirmed the lens is sealed with epoxy and not user changeable. I did not ask about the shock resistant properties of the bezel and he reminded me that we get a discount and also pointed out that he has a special on the M90 now that comes with the standard lamp as well as a free high output LF lamp......nice deal on that.
When I say LED, I mean the latest ones like the Cree XR-E. Luxeons are old now.

I recently got my GF a JetBeam III Military with the Q3-5A. It's a really nice tint, very very similar to an incandescent. The user interface is really nice as well.
The WE M90 is a great light, and by using the short extension tube you can run the Lumens Factory EO-13 with 3x 18500 cells, which gives you a hugely powerful output.

It's a strongly-made light, like all the WE range, but the glass lens is probably going to be the weak point if you give it very rough use. It's easier to break a large lens than a small one, and being D36 rather than D26 size, this could be a problem for you.
The WE M90 is a great light, and by using the short extension tube you can run the Lumens Factory EO-13 with 3x 18500 cells, which gives you a hugely powerful output.
Wish I'd kept that M90, and gotten some more accessories for it. I had 3 tailcaps, 9 and 12V WE LAs, a couple of EO-9Ls from Lumens Factory.
An extension and 13V lamp is what I should have done, but no, I had to buy more SF stuff so I could be cool(it didn't help:(). Haven't used the LF ones, but I really like the 13V Wolf-Eyes lamp assembly, even run on 3xR123 in Robocop's Raider.
I've got a spare m90 bezel, an extension, some 18500's, and a few 13v lamps I carry around just incase.....Call North 131 tonite or sometime this week if you wanna try 'em out for a few days.
I may try to get by North precinct as I am training a rookie and have to show him where every precinct is anyway. I do not have to test it out to see how it works however I would like to see how it fits in my holster with all my other gear on....thanks again.

Owen goes through more toys than anyone I know....funny part is he usually does miss all his toys after he has traded them off.....even more funny is that I usually get some of his old toys and will not give them back.....:D

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