Would these fit a ROP


Mar 2, 2007

Ive had a 6 cell mag just waiting to be upgraded to a ROP and was curious if these batteries would fit the bill(pun intended). I have a programable RC battery charger to charge them. I would imagine getting very long runtimes with these batteries. Just curious if they would be to much for the lamp. Does the lamp itself regulate the current flowing into the bulb?
yes, they will work very well. They can deliver that load without even breaking a sweat, and probably run the ROP for well over 2 hours.
About the current though. In simple terms for someone like me... since the original pelican big d rechargable ran off of 8 d size nicad batteries each putting out 1.2 volts with a lower amperage rating, will the NIMH batteries with the same volts but higher amperage harm the lamp? or is there a resistor letting a certain ammount of current run through?
the rating on the cells in not just amps, it's AMP HOURS.. it is a rating of capacity and has nothing to do with how many amps will come out... you decide that based on how much resistance is in the circuit you hook them too... NICD and NIMH cells usually have very low internal resistance, so they will maintain good voltage under a heavy load, this has nothing to do with the capacity rating of the cell, ...(the internal resistance of the cell becomes part of the equation for the circuit it is involved in)

a simple way to explain amp hours is as follows...:
a 10,000mah cell, could deliver 10,000ma for 1 hour, (10 amps for 1 hour) then be dead...

in reality, manufactures usually rate cell capacity based on a much slower drain rate... (like over the course of 4 or 8 or 12 hours)... like a 2500ma for 40 hours would be the same amount of energy as 10,000ma for 10 hours,.....


6 D size NIMH usually works fine with the ROP, haven't heard of any issues... I have some Powerizer brand cells (which I think are pretty much the same as Tenergy, just sold as a different name)... Also have some C and AA size Tenergy,.. for the price, I really like them... the Cs and Ds are really good IMO.
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In a way (long stretch of the definition) the lamp can be viewed as a resistor. When it's cold it has the least amount of resistance. As it heats up the resistance increases. It only accepts a certain amount of current with a given amount of voltage. I have a ROP running on 6 high drain RC type sub Cs that are rated for 30 A. The Pelican 3854 High likes those cells. If I ran 7 of those cells in it the voltage would carry to much current. Then the lamp would act like a fuse.

This is all poorly stated but that's how it works.

BTW, you don't need a lamp holder for the ROP. A few people have melted them but that's rare. I can run my ROP for 50 minutes with no problems. The Al reflector and the borofloat or UCL lens? Yes, those are needed. What's cool about your set up is that no current sapping battery holders are being used.

2 hrs of Roaring Pelican...NICE.