While doing a bit of research I noticed that the Cree XP-G emitter has a Vf of between 3.0 to 3.5. Has anyone tried an XP-G DD in a mini-M@G?
I missed my opportunity recently as SB is back ordered for XPGs on stars..... just curious if this simple mod has worked.
Incidentally, I have a few of those heatsinks made by Zelda... EXCELLENT!!my minimag heatsinks:
It's much easier, if you can make this heatsink in copper, instead of aluminium. (no groundig problem, just solder the driver to heatsink.)
the protected trustfire 14500 "900mAh" give you around 660mAh at 0.7A discharge rate, but they are maybe too long to fit 2 cells in a 2AA host.
If you use 2 unprotected cells with a stepdown converter, its unsafe due low- discharge.