Zebralight questions


Newly Enlightened
May 11, 2019
Hello all,

I did a search to see if this has already been discussed, but I could only find info about Customer Service. So I have always carried flashlights but just recently started stepping into, what I would consider, to be Mid range edc lights. I recently found a deal on a used Zebralight and I REALLY enjoy the UI. As a general consensus on here, how good or bad are these lights? Yes, this is somewhat of a "validate my purchase post" but I will absolutely be buying more if they are good to go. Thanks for any info!
Great lights, which one did you get?

I picked up a SC63. I am really enjoying it! Instant for any mode I want with SIMPLE clicks. Great size too. Not a fan of it only taking flat tops, but if that's the worst problem, I'm happy. I appreciate all of the input...time to pick up another one.
The User Interface is more customisable on the newer models (e.g. SC64c LE).

There are additional "groups". You can switch from Group 5 to Group 6 or 7 and set H1, H2, M1, M2, L1 and L2 to whatever you want.

For example:
I've configured Group 6 of my SC64c LE to use:
H1 0.05 Lm, H2 1.9 Lm
M1 533 Lm, M2 828 Lm
L1 37 Lm, L2 83 Lm

barry_baltimode posted a nice flowchart recently for selecting a flashlight from Zebralight:

I like the H600Fc. It's a pretty floody headlamp.
Zebralight guys are always great to work with, but it doesn't come up often because of the solid product they make. Good communication when there are issues or delays.
The User Interface is more customisable on the newer models (e.g. SC64c LE).

There are additional "groups". You can switch from Group 5 to Group 6 or 7 and set H1, H2, M1, M2, L1 and L2 to whatever you want.

For example:
I've configured Group 6 of my SC64c LE to use:
H1 0.05 Lm, H2 1.9 Lm
M1 533 Lm, M2 828 Lm
L1 37 Lm, L2 83 Lm

barry_baltimode posted a nice flowchart recently for selecting a flashlight from Zebralight:

I like the H600Fc. It's a pretty floody headlamp.

Oh... dang. I purchased a new one last night. I would still be able to keep it simple though correct? Without having to deal with the extra groups? I'm happy with three different modes now.
Zebralight guys are always great to work with, but it doesn't come up often because of the solid product they make. Good communication when there are issues or delays.

Thats comforting. One of the more recent posts was inquiring about Customer Service. I couldn't find much pointing either way on long term hold up. Thanks again !
Without having to deal with the extra groups? I'm happy with three different modes now.

Yeah. You can just use the 3 modes H, M and L as is. Or you can switch to a different group and change H to be low etc. On the older UI you can't change H1 and H2 to any output level. The new UI let's you customise it more.

You still just have single click, double click and hold for H, M and L. Along with 3 click strobe and 4 click battery check.
I just purchased theSc63 too! just started playing with it. Its my first zebra light and so far i think its awesome!:twothumbs
Zebralights are my favorite light. I prefer the headlamps, but the regular flashlights are just as reliable. Very tough lights!
I have 10 Zebralights: 5 lights and 4 headlamps. They all work good and never had an issue, top notch quality. The UI is good but I like the UI of Thrunite more.
I love my zebralights. They are a good combination of quality, price, size, brightness and good user interface.

The new programmable interface is especially nice. I would like to see them change it so the feature where you hold the button and the light turns on and then ramps from low to high is not affected by programming the different levels. That's really my only complaint. Direct access to different levels from off is super nice and very well executed.
Zebralight is the finest and most advanced flashlight ever manufactured. Only custom-built super high end lights can compete, and only because of their expensive materials... not their drivers.
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Zebralight is the finest and most advanced flashlight ever manufactured. Only custom-built super high end lights can compete, and only because of their expensive materials... not their drivers.
That does depend on intended use and priorities. Zebralights are well made, efficient lights with tons of modes that are very tough to beat. The are also good in terms of brightness per size.

On the other hand, if I was looking for a light that I could abuse and still trust my life with, I'd be looking elsewhere. Maybe Malkoff or Elzetta? That's not my priority so Zebralight is perfect for me. I do wish they would make some with tail switches.... Again, it depends what you want.

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