Zebralight "w" tint too warm?


Dec 4, 2007
Anyone find the warm-tint Zebralights *too* warm? I'm more of a 4C tint kinda person (Quark neutral) and worry that the more yellow 5A would bug me and make me wish I'd bought a cool-tint ZL.

Speaking of which, how bad is the tint lottery with ZL's regular models? Am I likely to end up with a green/blue losing ticket?
it's very subjective, the 5A is bit more redish than a 4C, works well with skin tones.
I really like my SC30w tint. Mine is more yellow than red and very similar to my Quark. I'll never risk getting a bad (blue or purple) cool tint when a neutral tint version is available. The worst neutral tint is better than any cool tint for rough terrain outdoors - where my lights are most useful.
Anyone find the warm-tint Zebralights *too* warm? I'm more of a 4C tint kinda person (Quark neutral) and worry that the more yellow 5A would bug me and make me wish I'd bought a cool-tint ZL.

Speaking of which, how bad is the tint lottery with ZL's regular models? Am I likely to end up with a green/blue losing ticket?

I like the tint on my 5A. The cool white Q5s in the newer ZL seem better than the older ones. I think ZL picked better tinted LEDs for their cool white and believe that info is in a thread but forgot which one. I only have the XR-E ZLs so don't know about the XP-Gs etc.
Naw...I really like ZL's choice of neutral.

I sent back a Quark warm because it was too warm(reddish) for me.

Haven't had a green tint from ZL yet, although I have had 2 cool & 3 warms from them.
I have had several h501Ws and i still like the normal tint of the h501 better.
In my opinion the h501w is too warm and the normal h501 is far less cold than other Leds i have seen.
It's certainly not too warm for me.

My H501w (5A tint) is a little pinker than my Quark (also 5A), but it's fine.

In general, I prefer the slightly yellowish 5C tint to the slightly pinkish 5A tint, but in actual use, I rarely notice the difference. I'd like to try a 5B tint, but haven't had a chance yet.

That said, if I'm planning a night in the woods, my 7C light is beautiful.

FWIW here is the illustrated tint bin distribution :

My wife's LF2XT is a 4C tint and it's very nice.

Based on the chart Ronteb just posted, I think I'd really like the 5B also.

Does any one make something with 3A/3B?

3A and 3B are "subcategories" of WH and WJ cool white (i think the WH tint is used by manufacturers, dereelight does and liteflux too), good news being that you can have these in R2 bin.
not warm enough for me, after using a nailbender sst-90 3000k drop-in, all my neutrals look "neutral" to me. :rolleyes:
my sst-90 3000k does have alot of red in it, but i love it.:D my sc50w seems to have some green in it. and my h501w is amazingly close to sunlight neutral. i guess my ideal range would be about 3500k.

i agree with blindasabat where ill rather get the worst neutral/warm tint over a cool tint.
So it sounds like there's a bit of a tint lottery with ZL's warm emitters, or maybe just a perception difference. 4C is the neutral that Quark uses I believe, and that is fine for me, but I will probably give the ZL 5A a go since I plan to use it mainly outdoors and for reading.

Maybe I'll also get an H51 in cool white then I'll have the best of both worlds :thumbsup:
I'd been waiting to replace my H50 and H501 with the "w" models, just got them in today. Both look great, the H50 is definitely a bit warmer.
I love ZL headlamps and was able to forgive the blue tint of the XR-E Q5s because of the massive benefit a headlamp brings to any operation requiring illumination but am happy to switch over to warmer tints.
With a reflectored light the tint is more visible in the spill (to my eyes) and the hotspot looks brighter and whiter, with these 2 lights you've got nothing but spill so the tint is revealed uniformly.
I enjoy both of these models and plan to get the H51w when it is released,
guess I'll mount them all on the same headband for 360 degree lighting.
I have the H31,H31w,and the SC50w+. I prefer the w's and the tint for me (I use my lights 99% outside) is just right.
First time I fired up my sc50w I went :sick2: at how unnaturally orange/red/brown? it made everything inside the house look. Then I took it outside for a walk and wow...totally fell in love with the tint.

For inside the house cool white is preferred by me. The warmest (and most ideal tints I've gotten) are from Rebels and Seoul P4s. Those have given me the "vanilla white" tints. Just beautiful.