Three years of using the ** SureFire L1 ** – A short history


Oct 31, 2007
Willamette Valley, OR
Let's get your opinions and experiences with your SureFire L1's. :wave:

After reading the recent writeup by 325Addict, A closer look at the SureFire U2 Ultra, I decided upon writing a comparable thread for the SureFire L1, which I have wanted to write about for some time now. I have had three good years with the L1: I used it for quite a while, set it aside for other lights, and then recently started using it again. This made me appreciate the strengths of this great light all over again.

My first SureFire was the L1, chosen out of the wide variety of lights in the SureFire catalog in the spring of 2007. What attracted me to this particular light were the two output levels – there weren't many multi-level lights in the SureFire line back then, and the L1 was the smallest available of that type. As this was before I found about CPF, I had pored over the two L1 reviews in Flashlight Reviews and LED modifications (the L1/LuxI review & the more recent L1/LuxIII review).

As the current version at that time was prior to the newer 'Cree' model, it didn't have the high outputs that we've come to expect these days, with a specification of 22 lumens on 'high' & only ~1-2 lumens on 'low'. However, I found the 22 lumen 'high' to be quite sufficient, as the aspheric lens did a great job of focusing the modest output and getting it to where it was needed. The lack of spill from the aspheric lens added to the impressiveness of using that very focused hotspot.

I also found the low level to be very usable, especially inside the house in the middle of the night – many folks here on CPF swear by their 'low-lows', for good reason. The 50-hour runtime on 'low' was impressive and highly-valued on CPF at the time.

What I didn't expect from that light was the tailcap UI: after three years of use (besides standard EDC duty & numerous nighttime walks, it went deer & elk hunting in Oregon, a December trip to Alaska, a trip to Chile) and after many many hours of reading on CPF, I still consider it to be SureFire's best innovation after the P60 drop-in and the Z41 tailcap:
  • For momentary operation: Press for 'low', press harder for 'high'
  • For constant-on: Twist for 'low', twist further for 'high'
  • And if you are using it on constant-'low', push the momentary for 'high'
The beauty of this UI is that from the 'off' position, both 'low' and 'high' are always available at an instant, and from the 'low' setting, 'high' is again instantly available if needed. The multimode operation is extremely intuitive; every non-flashaholic that I have handed an L1 to immediately 'gets it'.

I got a lot of use out of that L1 with the Luxeon III emitter, but one night the driver started acting up. It worked perfectly in normal use, but when a cell was nearly dead, instead of the output tapering off at the very very end (where there was insufficient remaining voltage to operate the 'high' level), the LED would instead flicker for a while and then abruptly cut out. I called SureFire and they said that the driver was probably malfunctioning, and sent me a replacement light.

However, at the same time I had been having my eye on the newly-released L1 'Cree', so I purchased one of those as well. Talk about :party:: Not far from 100 lumens, that amazing TIR optic with all that throw, and my particular unit had a nearly-perfect beam and the best tint I have ever seen from a SureFire. One of the main criticisms of that light was that SureFire abandoned the 'low-low' that many here on CPF prefer. They kept the same resistor value in the tailcap, but with the new more-efficient emitter, the 'low' went from ~1-2 lumens to ~10 lumens, which (to me) seemed more like ~20 for close-up use due to most of the output being in that tightly-focused hotspot. Since the newer 'low' is a little high for my tastes, I now have a SF P60 / 5mm LED 'battery vampire' 1xCR123 light as a bedside light for a couple-of-lumens-roaming-around-at-night light. Unlike the old 'low-low' of the older SF L1, the brighter 'low' of the L1 'Cree' is perfectly usable outside at night, saving the 'high' for only occasional use and still providing plenty of runtime.

Well, about a year ago, I finally decided upon a custom EDC, so I found a vintage SF E1 on the Marketplace and sent if off to Milky for the Room Sweeper treatment, adding a two-level McE2S switch to obtain comparable operation to the L1 tailcap UI. To make a long story short, while I really liked the light & used it often over the past year, I found that the E1 was just a little too small for my hand. However, picking up the L1 again, that light is simply a perfect fit for me.

So recently I have begun carrying this L1 again after it did bedside duty for the past year. I was somewhat surprised to find that the momentary in the tailcap had gotten a little 'sticky', sometimes failing to spring back to 'off' after release. I called SureFire, who promptly sent me a new tailcap. In the meantime however, after using the light for a week or so, the 'momentary' loosened up a little, and now works perfectly again.

This light fits my hand like it was made for it.

And yes, I still have that slightly-longer Luxeon III replacement L1, still new-in-the-package. In a year or two, it's probably going to be making its own pilgrimage to Milky. Inspired by Crenshaw's slightly-shorter 'Cree' L1 that Milky worked over to take a 17500 LiIon:
One thing I did was move from the stock 123 cell to the larger, higher-capacity 17500 rechargeable... this allowed me to design the light to run higher output for longer, and since I stashed the circuitry itself in the head, there was really no penalty other than what admittedly turned out to be a LOT more labor and parts expense in getting the thing right.

This one of mine will get bored through to accept an AW 17670 – yes, Scott says that its body should be long enough. It will get a slightly-warm XP-G (or its successor), a custom reflector (here's one example from xcel730) - the goal for this one will be to provide a comparable beam to the Malkoff M61, and custom-resistored for a lower-low. A buck driver should permit both 1x17670 and 2xCR123 for backup. Another fun attempt to get that elusive 'perfect' flashlight. :crazy:

I have gotten four (non-CPF) friends to purchase the SureFire L1, and all of them have been very impressed. In addition, because it is a single-celled light, I feel very good about them using it – there have been a number of documented safety incidents on CPF involving multi-cell flashlights using mismatched CR123's. I have my friends well-provisioned with US-made CR123's for now, but you never really know what cells will find their way into their lights in the future.

And, yes, we are still waiting for the SureFire LX1 – if the L1 (Cree) wasn't so darn good, maybe SureFire would have already released its successor by now. ;)


So, here are my two:



Please post your opinions and your experiences with the SureFire L1, both good and bad. Pics are always great. Real-usage stories are even better – the SureFire L1 vs. John Deere thread was perhaps the penultimate L1 adventure, but I'm sure there are other good ones out there just waiting to be written. :poke:

Thanks for reading,
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Feb 20, 2010
NY/NJ Area
Thanks for sharing, you've clearly had some great experiences with your L1's.

I have an L1 (newer Cree version) on the way myself, and now I can't wait to get it.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2006
Land of the Bean and the Cod
I have all or at least most of the major variants (some listed below). My favorite is still the early 4-flats version(s), all pre-TIR. I smiled when I saw your post, because just last night I was fiddling around with my Milky ML-1, which remains a truly outsanding general purpose light. I strongly agree with your comment about the UI. It is really the best there is - my opinion, of course.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 17, 2007
South Carolina
Nice thread, Kestrel! Always liked the L1...that's why I gave it to my brother...seriously...I love the feel of it in the hand, and it's small enough to fit anywhere but not so big as too get in the way. I wanted my bro to have a really good light for Christmas, which is why I gave him my L1. I have plenty of SF's to tide me over, but plan on getting another one when I return to the sandbox this summer. If they don't have them, I'll be posting a WTB!!! Great thread...hopefully others will check this out and come to appreciate what a great light this is!

Oh, thanks for the "Battery Vampire" plug...LOL!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2009
Sonoran Desert ~ Scottsdale, AZ
My friend Kestrel... it was you who initially informed me of the wonderful L1. Thanks to you, I have one which I love. It's a great design in a wonderful size. I power mine with an AW 16340 these days. While it isn't my most used flashlight, it is a much appreciated "keeper". Thanks, buddy!

I'm sure your upcoming custom creation will be fantastic.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 1, 2002
Honolulu, HI
Yup, L1 (Cree version) still sees some action around the house. Agreed that the UI on this light is really hard to beat for any multi-mode light. May not be the most energy efficient way to get a low level, but works really well from the user's point of view.


Newly Enlightened
Jan 2, 2009
What a beautiful picture, DHart!

I still don't have an L1 because I am STILL waiting for the LX1... :shakehead


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2006
Land of the Bean and the Cod
Remember this thread, and especially FD's post quoted below? I love my old L1s!!! :D



I am currently doing an evaluation of the L1 (old) vs. the L1 (new) since I couldn't find enough info about this anywhere else. So far, I have only done runtime tests on "low" with the following results:

The L1 (old) ran in "low" continuously (with occasional 1-2 second bursts to "hi" just to see if it still worked) for 208 hours. It fell to "moon-mode" (very dim) at about 160 hours, but the "hi" mode continued to work (albeit contankerously) until the 197-hour point. The L1 (old) worked normally in all respects to the 153-hour point, moon mode at 160 hours, "hi" mode until 197 hours, 208 hours to "death".

The L1 (new) ran in "low" continuously (with occasional 1-2 second burts to "hi" just to see if it still worked) for 168-176 hours. It fell to "moon-mode" (very dim) at about 118 hours, but the "hi" mode continued to work until the 118 hour point. (Apparently, this "last gasp" effort to "hi" at 118 hours CAUSED the fall to "moon-mode"). The L1 (new) worked normally in all respects to the 90 hour point, moon mode at 118 hours, "hi" mode until 118 hours, 168-176 hours to "death". (I was asleep when it died in the night sometime!) [It began to ease down to moon mode at 90 hours but was very subtle. It became more obvious at 102 hours, and was fully engaged in moon mode at 118 hours.]

These preliminary numbers are impressive, and my tests continue. This is merely a first report to your post. I have a lot of testing to do. The main reason that I was interested in the L1 (new) as an EDC was the potential runtime on one battery with the newly added "distance capability", but I had no idea that it would run THIS long. I feel that it is basically a useless light without the F04 beamshaper on the front of it for short-range flood, but if I am going to EDC a light, it must also have SOME distance potential. This one does.

Beam Quality:

With respect to the "new" L1-WH, the TIR optic throws a beam of light that is like shinning a light down a pipe, literally. It is ALL focused intensity. It IS smooth and "square" in shape (the nature of this particular Luxeon III emitter). It DOES have a very thin, distant, and dim halo ring some distance from the core shaft of light, but this is pretty much useless and mildly irritating. I think that "useless artifact" describes the effect. You would have to back this light out to almost double the distance of the "old" L1 from any piece of paper you were trying to read or the intensity of the beam would burn the back of your retinas out (even WITH an F04 on the front of it to soften things). The old L1 had a hotspot but absolutely nothing to compare with the new one.

The effect of the hotspot (or beam, since the total beam is nothing BUT a hotspot) at 6-12' can only be described as "searing". Truly, this light is virtually useless without an F04 to soften things up and flood them out. HOWEVER, having said this, IF you are going for DISTANCE with the minimum power and battery drain, this is the light. It's 22 lumens will slightly out-throw the 65-lumen "focused and reflectored" E2e. WITH an F04, it floods out to about the same width as an "old" L1, albeit now with a far more noticeable hotspot, especially in "low", but also in "high". Once I got use to it, I actually preferred it, because, at heart, I really did want more intensity in both "low" and "high", as well as the distance capability, and the more focused hotspot magnifies the effect of the lumen increase. With an F04, this is a better light than the "old" L1, despite all of the drawbacks. Without it, it is far too limiting. With the F04, I recommend it. Without the F04, I do NOT.

After I posted this, I realized that I did not address one of your questions:

L1 Beam Comparison:

L1 "old": Purple tint, wide variation in tint due to the "luxeon lottery", power is a bit too low in "low" position", about like the old KL-1 head in "high". All flood with a mild hotspot. .7 lumens in "low", 15 lumens in "high".

L1-"new": Much better consistency in beam tint and power. Pencil beam quality, about like shinning a light down a 6" pipe. All throw, no flood. F04 required for usable light. Much "whiter" color. Good enough to be my primary EDC. 1.1 lumens in "low", 22 lumens in "high" and the increase in power is very noticable in "low", also obvious in "high". The increase in power seems to be welcomed by all. I know it is by me.

Hope this Helps,
Flashdark sends.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2006
Land of the Bean and the Cod
Yeah. IIRC, depending on how finely you slice the sausage, there are two or three L1 versions that are within Flashdark's "old" category. I think that would include scalloped and non-scalloped bezel and Lux 1 and Lux III emitters. The "new" L1 he referred to in that (now pretty old) post was the pre-Cree version that had the TIR optic (which had sub-variants to include square and round body tubes). I'm doing all this from memory so if I've forgotten something, be gentle... ;)
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 10, 2003
Thanks for taking the time to write this. What an awesome light! Great runtime, output, and UI from a single cell light in an easily carried package. Maybe as close to the perfect light as we'll ever see. Thanks a lot, makes me REALLY REALLY want one now!


Newly Enlightened
Feb 22, 2008
I had a Gen 1 and a Gen 2 L1 , both have been given to good friends , both still going strong . I need another , one of the best EDC's ever .



Flashlight Enthusiast
Jan 8, 2009
Sonoran Desert ~ Scottsdale, AZ
Glad ya like it Kestrel... it was made as something of a tribute to you!

Size... didn't realize it was too big.

Alex K. Ah yes, the G30 is such a magnificent piece. My favorite Glock by far.


Oct 31, 2007
Willamette Valley, OR
I do find it extremely difficult to get all the L1 versions straight:

From this thread:
SureFire L1 Evolution

Gen1: Body has four flats. Head is short and tapered. Lens is flat. Bezel is plain (NOT scalloped). Optic is NX05. Emitter is Luxeon low dome.

Gen2: Like gen1 but bezel is scalloped. I believe some of these came with the SureFire lanyard and attachment in the box. Somewhere along the way the box style changed from cardboard box with lid to cardboard one-piece box with top and bottom flats, internal plastic tray, and clear plastic window through which the L1 is visible.

Gen3: Like gen2 but emitter is Luxeon high dome. Note that optic is still NX05.

Gen4: Head switched to larger, KL4-like head with TIR optic, domed lens, and Luxeon (III?) emitter. Body is still the four flats version. These seem to be relatively rare! Probably a short production run before switching to the newer, rounded body.

Gen5: Like gen4 but body is rounded (no flats).

Gen6: (shown at SHOT 2007) Body seems to be 25% shorter than gen5. Head seems to be a little shorter than gen5 head, with emitter switched to Cree XR-E and optic switched to something similar in appearance to a Fraen LP optic... it appears to have a hole in the center that goes all the way through, although that may not in fact be the case (looked like it did to me, but Size15s reports not)... one can look directly at the emitter dome through this apparent hole.

So the two that I have are a Gen5 & the newest Gen6, although I know for certain that there are two subvariants of the Gen5, the long-clip LuxIII version (like the NIP one I have photographed above) and the slightly more recent (I think) short-clip LuxIII version - I think that these ones are relatively uncommon. I've also read that if folks had broken their longer clips, SF was replacing them with the stouter short clips.

I am seriously confused about outputs for the generations prior to the latest version: IIRC I've seen official references to lows of 0.65/0.7 lumens, 0.9 lumens, 1.1 lumens, and (maybe?) 2.2 lumens. :confused:
From this thread:
"The L1 LumaMax features a new single-die 3 watt Luxeon LED driven at 1 watt while the L2 LumaMax employs a four-die 5 watt Luxeon LED. The L1's light output is 0.7 lumens at low (50 hours) and 15 lumens at high (2 hours) [...]
The above info was kindly provided by another board member, and comes from the 2005 catalogue. Therefore it appears (to me) that not all L1's with TIR optic were created equal. (The current model is 1.1 lumens low @ 90 hours and 22 lumens high).

BTW Since the 1.1 lumen low version had a claimed runtime of 90 hours, was there a version that had a 2.2 lumen low with a claimed runtime of 50 hours? :confused:
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 28, 2006
Land of the Bean and the Cod
Scott's organizational detail here was always way over my head. I slice and dice these (for my own mental organizational purposes) on the following variable:

1. Cree or other?
2. TIR or not?
3. Four flats or round body?

The rest are subvariants as far as I'm concerned, but I admit to being an ignorant peasant. :huh:

BTW, as far as Gen1 and Gen2 go, I am holding in my hands #s A02583 and A01576. Guess which has a scalloped bezel and which does not? Hint: not what you'd expect.
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Oct 31, 2007
Willamette Valley, OR
Glad ya like it Kestrel... it was made as something of a tribute to you!
Hi DHart, remember this post of yours back from Feb 2009?
My just-received L1 Cree has packaging which does state "NEW-Higher Output-More Runtime". Serial # is A13289.
The SF battery is dated to expire 06-2018 (presumably manufactured 06-2008?).
Nice light! Interestingly, the flashlight finish has three distinctly different, but fairly close, colors.
The body tube is almost black in color whereas the head (bezel in SF terms) is dark greyish on the forward section and bronzish-greenish colored on the section which connects to the tube. Then the blackish tube. Then the tailcap is the same bronzish-greenish color as the rear section of the head. All tones are complimentary in color. The look is nice. The head had a round white sticker on it, which I removed because I had no need for a round white sticker on the head. [...]
LOL. :huh:

And this gave me a smile:
Any idea what SF is going to do for the upcoming L1 iteration?
It will be replaced by the LX1.
Details can be found at Surefires website.
Funny that the above was posted back in Feb 09, and the latest word on the LX1 was maybe by this Christmas! (That's Christmas 2010 BTW, the CPF tradition for SF release dates always has to include the year now...:ohgeez:)
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Mar 26, 2004
La Tiquicia
His & Hers, 'nuff said:


Actually, some @#~€!! stole my wife's L1.

I won my first L1 at the SF party at SHOT Show a number of years back. It was the LuxIII kind with the optic. Until about a month ago, it was stock. Now it sports a P4 emitter and a McR20. It now does duty in my nightstand.

My second L1 was actually what turned into my wife's L1. I had barely opened the box when my wife had claimed it as hers. I added the pink GID; she added the Precious Moments thingies.

My third L1 was bought to replace the one I "lost" to my wife. That one still still stock since it's the newer Cree gen. Lately it's seeing duty as my son's bike light.

I wouldn't mind having an extra 1-2 L1's...

The L1 is definitely one of my favorite SF lights: simple interface, long runtime, small factor, bright/dim enough for general use... what's there not to like?
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