The Walking Dead ***POSSIBLE SPOILERS*** - You've Been Warned!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 15, 2011
Mid Atlantic USA
Re: The Walking Dead

Well, at least I wasn't the one giving away a ton of spoliers.


You mentioned my post as a spoiler in 2 different posts. Please explain to me how its spoiling to talk about the episode AFTER it aired?

That happens here every week, as it does on TV related threads and forums throughout the internet! The episode aired, finished, then I mentioned 3 things that have happened in 2-3 of the last episodes, all of which have aired. If not, how exactly would I have known what happened in this last episode if it had not yet aired? I dont produce the show! Am I spoiling the show if mention what happened in season 1? The whole point of this thread is to talk about the show, so under your standard, any mention of any previously aired episode is a spoiler, so maybe we need to close the thread altogether(?)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 15, 2011
Mid Atlantic USA
Re: The Walking Dead

I have a question....

Part of the show seems to imply you have to be bit to be infected, and part seems to imply that anyone who dies for any reason is shortly reanimated, even if never bitten.

The chopper pilots, etc, for example, are not bitten...but, die in the crash, and turn to zombies...the old guy in the lab dies peaceably enough from old age, but is then a zombie.

Axle, the guy in the tower, etc.... get killed in the prison attack, but don't reanimate.

A leg is cut off in time to save zombification.

And so forth.

So, what's the dilio?

AS far as the guy who was bitten but saved by having his leg cut off, I think the "disease" supposedly spreads throughout your body like venom or an infection, so I assume that by cutting off his leg in a hurry they were able to stop it from killing him and turning him into a zombie. As I recall, after the amputation, they stood around watching him to make sure the "operation" was a success, and he didnt die and turn into a walker. But that was last season, so hope I didnt spoil it for anyone!(LOL)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 14, 2004
Re: The Walking Dead


You mentioned my post as a spoiler in 2 different posts. Please explain to me how its spoiling to talk about the episode AFTER it aired?

The show airs 3 hours earlier on the East Coast. Folks on the West Coast have not seen it yet because it has not aired there yet.


May 12, 2011
Re: The Walking Dead

The show airs 3 hours earlier on the East Coast. Folks on the West Coast have not seen it yet because it has not aired there yet.

And we get it 30 hours later on the other side of the world!



Jan 12, 2012
Re: The Walking Dead


You mentioned my post as a spoiler in 2 different posts. Please explain to me how its spoiling to talk about the episode AFTER it aired?

That happens here every week, as it does on TV related threads and forums throughout the internet! The episode aired, finished, then I mentioned 3 things that have happened in 2-3 of the last episodes, all of which have aired. If not, how exactly would I have known what happened in this last episode if it had not yet aired? I dont produce the show! Am I spoiling the show if mention what happened in season 1? The whole point of this thread is to talk about the show, so under your standard, any mention of any previously aired episode is a spoiler, so maybe we need to close the thread altogether(?)

I haven't seen Season 1 yet...don't ruin it for me.



Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 14, 2009
Montreal, Canada
Re: The Walking Dead

I also watch them during the week when i have time.
I just avoid this thread until I've seen the episode.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 14, 2004
Re: The Walking Dead


In next weeks episode we find Rick and Merle engaged in a ---- what --- it's lunch time ---- gotta go...


Aug 18, 2007
Re: The Walking Dead

But the most messed up thing was when they kept blowing off the hitchhiker and then later they see him ripped apart on the street, but it doesnt stop them from snagging his backpack!

Its definitely a change from their early behavior, but so to are their circumstances. This sort of 'what if' behavioral question is a key feature of the show. In the open, on the run, there's little to loose. Each new person and place is a risk, but that pales against the certain death of saying no or going back. As soon as their is a modicum of safety, the choice becomes trickier. Now the potential benefits of someone new (strength, skills, protection) must be weighted against the risk of someone new (food, safety, weapons). As for the backpack - zero risk for a boost in precious resources.

This is also leads into a discussion on the season 3 storyline. People who before the outbreak, had no reason to fight, worked every day to support each other. After the outbreak, they struggled for resources, part of a general battle between humans and walkers. Only after there was enough resources to feel safe from the walkers, did war start to break out between humans. Makes a nice microcosm example of human history: you need to develop resources before being able to fight over them.

Part of the show seems to imply you have to be bit to be infected, and part seems to imply that anyone who dies for any reason is shortly reanimated, even if never bitten.

They've not really explained, but death and zombification can be separated. Anyone (at least living at the time of the original event - not enough babies to yet show if the infection carries forward) who dies, for any reason, will turn. Being bitten creates a fever that creates death that creates zombification. The real question then, is what does a bite introduce that is not already in everyones blood streams? Maybe its 2 viruses, maybe its a base virus and an activator, maybe its a weak infection that gets a surge/boost.

The whole point of this thread is to talk about the show, so under your standard, any mention of any previously aired episode is a spoiler, so maybe we need to close the thread altogether(?)


I watch 2-3 episodes at a time, avoiding this thread like the plague until I have. Dudes worried about spoilers should avoid it until they've seen the latest.
Last edited:


Mar 12, 2013
Re: The Walking Dead

Wooow, I also like the show :D I found it accidentally in the beginning of this year, watched all of them, caught up with them and now have to wait for a whole week for every episode to come :D :D


Jan 12, 2012
Re: The Walking Dead

I agree about the shift from fighting Zombies as the primary, fighting them is all but ho-hum, like swatting terror, just efficiency. They are a known and familiar/well understood threat...and everyone seems comfortable in knowing how to deal with them.

The other PEOPLE seem to be the new real threat, and there seems to be a shift to reflect this. Suspicion about new contacts is heightened, the cliques are more exclusive - circles of trusted/known entities that have been through hell and back together (Well, maybe not back yet....) are reluctant to let in newbies.

Selfless acts/altruism - such as Daryl saving the people on the bridge while his brother tries to get him to save resources, highlight the shift...w/Meryl being the voice of look out for #1 vs Daryl's more generous spirit.

The POLITICS of the cliques interacting with each OTHER is now more important than protecting the small groups from the zombies. This is more reflective of standard post apocalyptic scenarios...and may be where the show is going.


Aug 27, 2006
Re: The Walking Dead

I agree about the shift from fighting Zombies as the primary, fighting them is all but ho-hum, like swatting terror, just efficiency. They are a known and familiar/well understood threat...and everyone seems comfortable in knowing how to deal with them.

The other PEOPLE seem to be the new real threat, and there seems to be a shift to reflect this. Suspicion about new contacts is heightened, the cliques are more exclusive - circles of trusted/known entities that have been through hell and back together (Well, maybe not back yet....) are reluctant to let in newbies.

Selfless acts/altruism - such as Daryl saving the people on the bridge while his brother tries to get him to save resources, highlight the shift...w/Meryl being the voice of look out for #1 vs Daryl's more generous spirit.

The POLITICS of the cliques interacting with each OTHER is now more important than protecting the small groups from the zombies. This is more reflective of standard post apocalyptic scenarios...and may be where the show is going.

Unfortunately, all the elements of that type of storyline are getting stretched pretty thin by now.

The whole, "everyone is infected anyway and will turn automatically following death," was just a boneheaded plot twist that pretty much ensures the extinction of the human race.


Jan 12, 2012
Re: The Walking Dead

Unfortunately, all the elements of that type of storyline are getting stretched pretty thin by now.

The whole, "everyone is infected anyway and will turn automatically following death," was just a boneheaded plot twist that pretty much ensures the extinction of the human race.

Well, unless it ends up so a vaccine could be developed...a la the difference between HIV and AIDS, etc.


Seriously, the entire concept is based on a comic book, not a Nobel Peace Prize research grant, worrying too much about the "rules" is probably a lot like looking too hard at the Disney World Ride that the Pirates of the Caribbean movies are based upon. ("Why doesn't the Black Pearl go back and forth like its on a swing in the movie?")


Newly Enlightened
Feb 2, 2010
Re: The Walking Dead

Unfortunately, all the elements of that type of storyline are getting stretched pretty thin by now.

The whole, "everyone is infected anyway and will turn automatically following death," was just a boneheaded plot twist that pretty much ensures the extinction of the human race.

I disagree Monocrom, the homo sapien always finds some sort of solution and prevails. Even if that means when someone is to die we blow their head off immediately, then so be it. No more open casket funerals then :) Doesn't mean humans can't reproduce. THAT would be the end of human existence.

This show is more of a philosophical take on humans and our nature. The entire show is a morality tale and asks questions about decisions we would face in a post apocalyptic world. Which I am fine with and I enjoy.

I think this battle is going to happen, the nerd that works for the Governor is going to get torn into shreds by zombies, lots of people on both sides will die, and Rick and the gang will be on the run again next season.


Aug 27, 2006
Re: The Walking Dead

Well, they're going to have to do something radical. This is just my idea . . . Perhaps the introduction of a new character. One who is immune to the virus in every shape and form. Even to the point of getting into an enclosed pen full of Walkers who then completely ignore him.

The twist? Well, there's two ways you can go. Bright side being he's really immune and all that's needed is a scientist with a really good research facility to find out why. Dark side, make him infected but for an unknown reason he's changing into a Walker at an extremely slow pace. So slow that it'll take years for a full-blown transformation to happen. No turning back though. It WILL happen.

Take your pick which side you prefer. Perhaps make the character a leader of a another group that Rick and his folks encounter after dealing with the Governor. I'm sorry, but I still maintain that the whole "Everyone is infected" part is **** poor writing. What motivation would anyone have to go on, once they learn that secret on their own by witnessing it take place or someone tells them? "By the way . . . "

Yeah . . . No. I'm supposed to believe that no one ever got so fed up that they went into a Walker-infest woods and just started splitting skulls open until they finally got overwhelmed and then devoured? Hey, if there's zero hope in both the near and distant future; would so many keep going on anyway? I say "No."

Got to find a way to turn back the pages on that whole "Everyone is screwed anyway" part of the show.

BTW, I hate filler. Those who saw the last episode know what I mean. Come one . . . all of that did NOT require an entire episode to get through. It just didn't.