What did you use your flashlight for today?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2011
I was at the midnight screening of the Dark Knight Rises with a couple of my friends. After the movie and during the credit roll, some teenager and his friends were making their way out of the theater with his cellphone LED light since the theater's lights didn't come back on. I "helped" them by unleashing a 1,100 lumen beam from my C2 in their way, something that EVERYONE in the theater, including my friends, freaked out about.


Newly Enlightened
May 25, 2006
Los Angeles
I know a few people who go dumpster-diving. I've done it a few times myself. It's AMAZING the stuff people will throw away. I furnished half of my dad's workshop with furniture and fixtures people just left at the curb on garbage day, or dropped off at the local bulk-disposal center. Someone threw away a matching set of wooden chairs because they dripped some paint on them; someone else threw away an electric radiator because a kid spilled some juice on it; yet another person threw away an entire toolbox, tools still included, because...I don't even know why. I snagged a lawnmower that needed a new sparkplug and a carburetor flush. If I needed money, I'd dumpster-dive all across the land and sell my prizes at the pawn shop. And they say recycling isn't profitable.

To be honest, I'm not bothered about dumpster diving for "stuff" or for bottles and cans to recycle. I have friends and family who have gotten some pretty nice furniture that way. Problem is, some of the cars in our lot have been broken into, and I caught one guy looking for documents last year. Because of those incidents, my neighbors and I have become a lot pickier about dumpster divers, and we tell them to leave whenever we see them.

Sent from my phone. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


Jun 9, 2011
Done some painting in my appartment, and my PA40W with diffuser helped with sanding the patched ceiling. When you get the right beam angle, all bumps cast massive shadows, so it's easy to spot and elliminate them


Jul 24, 2009
Maryland, Near DC, USA
To be honest, I'm not bothered about dumpster diving for "stuff" or for bottles and cans to recycle. I have friends and family who have gotten some pretty nice furniture that way. Problem is, some of the cars in our lot have been broken into, and I caught one guy looking for documents last year. Because of those incidents, my neighbors and I have become a lot pickier about dumpster divers, and we tell them to leave whenever we see them.
Yeah, breaking into cars is a problem.

Funny story: one guy I knew went dumpster-diving behind a drug store the day after Easter and recovered enough Easter candy to last him the rest of the year.


Jun 6, 2011
Eindhoven, the Netherlands
Last night at the time I went to bed I heard strange noises outside. A quick look outside revealed a drunk woman getting ready to throw up in my front garden.
I lit her up with my TK35 on turbo, which shooed her off to the other side of the street where she finally threw up in a public lawn.

If you get sick outdoors for some reason, don't mess up people's private properties but find a public bush or lawn, for effs sakes. :mad:


Aug 27, 2006
Last night at the time I went to bed I heard strange noises outside. A quick look outside revealed a drunk woman getting ready to throw up in my front garden.
I lit her up with my TK35 on turbo, which shooed her off to the other side of the street where she finally threw up in a public lawn.

If you get sick outdoors for some reason, don't mess up people's private properties but find a public bush or lawn, for effs sakes. :mad:

Remember the good old days when drunks were still considerate enough to throw up in outdoor sewer grates? When they had to pee, they'd hide behind a tree and try to be discreet instead of pissing on the wall or front door of someone's shop?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2009
Pulaski, Va.
Used my L1 red to spotlight a skunk eating out of my garbage last night. I was 3 feet away and he wasn't bothered in the least and we were facing each other.


Jun 8, 2010
I spotted this guy today. It was a little fella.

I know there's something in here!

I gently laid the can down so they could meet each other.

Hey, buddy!


Newly Enlightened
Mar 23, 2005
Yesterday I used my QTLC yesterday to light up I-columns in the basement of a high rise currently being built. There were lights, but they weren't bright enough for us to see our benchmarks written in black marker. The light did the job perfectly.

Today I used my T15 to hunt down a lost rod extension in the back of the work truck. No luck, but it wasn't the light's fault -- I think it just wasn't there. I also used my light to dig around in my duffel bag, but that's something I do every work day.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2011
Last weekend, in middle of the night, I was getting some water to drink in my kitchen and saw someone taking a leak in the street, just across my house. There's a restaurant bar over at the next block, and a lot of loonies surface on weekend evenings. The ******* was letting a long one out, too, so I walked over, grabbed my TN11 and shined the light at him from 20 meters away. He must've not liked it, because he waved dismissively at me. I need to get a bigger light, so when someone does that again, I'll have enough firepower to land him on his back, just for the giggles.

Here's another story. This happened two nights ago, another weekend evening. I went out for a drink with my co-workers after work, and came home quite late--a little past 3AM, if I remember correctly. I was walking up the staircase leading to the front entrance when I heard a strange noise to my right, where there is a patch of grass behind some bushes. I took out my C2 with vinh's drop-in and half-pressed the switch (McC2S 60ohm) for a nice 15 lumen beam and surveyed the area and... Nothing. Or, at least, until I heard another noise a second later. Then I backed up a few steps and began to reach for my OC spray on my belt whilst squeezing down on the switch, which, quite literally, lit up the entire house. Then, in the same direction, I heard a loud noise of something being knocked over and footsteps running away. It was probably one of the stray cats in the neighborhood. The drunk crowd across the street must have witnessed the commotion, and I heard one of them muttering something along the lines of "policia" as I went inside.


Aug 27, 2006
Here's another story. This happened two nights ago, another weekend evening. I went out for a drink with my co-workers after work, and came home quite late--a little past 3AM, if I remember correctly. I was walking up the staircase leading to the front entrance when I heard a strange noise to my right, where there is a patch of grass behind some bushes. I took out my C2 with vinh's drop-in and half-pressed the switch (McC2S 60ohm) for a nice 15 lumen beam and surveyed the area and... Nothing. Or, at least, until I heard another noise a second later. Then I backed up a few steps and began to reach for my OC spray on my belt whilst squeezing down on the switch, which, quite literally, lit up the entire house. Then, in the same direction, I heard a loud noise of something being knocked over and footsteps running away. It was probably one of the stray cats in the neighborhood. The drunk crowd across the street must have witnessed the commotion, and I heard one of them muttering something along the lines of "policia" as I went inside.

Hate to say it, but it might have been something far more serious than just a stray cat. Had plenty of strays at my last job-site. Sometimes while patrolling at night, I'd accidentally light one of them up with my main light. Hundreds of lumens, sometimes right in their eyes by accident. They always froze up and just stared at the light. Only moving away when I lowered my light. You might have scared off a drunk hiding in the bushes, possibly up to no good.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 8, 2008
Hate to say it, but it might have been something far more serious than just a stray cat. Had plenty of strays at my last job-site. Sometimes while patrolling at night, I'd accidentally light one of them up with my main light. Hundreds of lumens, sometimes right in their eyes by accident. They always froze up and just stared at the light. Only moving away when I lowered my light. You might have scared off a drunk hiding in the bushes, possibly up to no good.
Yep, got a little princess of a cat. And everytime there is a catfight outside my house, i grab my light. Even fighting cats will freeze in the middle of the fight, and when i remove the light, they always slooooowly try to sneak away. You prob cant hear a running cat, they are stealthy.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2011
Hate to say it, but it might have been something far more serious than just a stray cat. Had plenty of strays at my last job-site. Sometimes while patrolling at night, I'd accidentally light one of them up with my main light. Hundreds of lumens, sometimes right in their eyes by accident. They always froze up and just stared at the light. Only moving away when I lowered my light. You might have scared off a drunk hiding in the bushes, possibly up to no good.

The thing is, I probably had the thing startled the first two times, hence the noises. The patch of grass behind the bushes isn't that large enough to fully accomodate an adult, has the house blocking it off to the left, chain link fence cordoning it off to the right, blocked off at the end with really high wooden fence, and with myself at the only pathway in. If there was indeed a guy getting the hell out of Dodge by jumping over to the right, I'd have seen it, or heard some sort of struggling if he had tried to climb over the 8' fence towards the back. If he tried to rush past me, well, let's just say that I was pretty pissed off that night and was in a very punchy mood.


Aug 27, 2006
The thing is, I probably had the thing startled the first two times, hence the noises. The patch of grass behind the bushes isn't that large enough to fully accomodate an adult, has the house blocking it off to the left, chain link fence cordoning it off to the right, blocked off at the end with really high wooden fence, and with myself at the only pathway in. If there was indeed a guy getting the hell out of Dodge by jumping over to the right, I'd have seen it, or heard some sort of struggling if he had tried to climb over the 8' fence towards the back. If he tried to rush past me, well, let's just say that I was pretty pissed off that night and was in a very punchy mood.

Good to know. I thought the bush was much bigger than that.


Newly Enlightened
Jul 24, 2012
I plan on using my D25LC2 tonight to light the way after the Angels beat the Royals.
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Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2011
I just remembered something that happened a while ago, involving a road rage at night time.

So, one evening, with my mother riding shotgun, I was driving along a boulevard with two lanes on each side. I came upon an intersection with a turning lane on the left and straight lane on the right. And, from about a car's length behind the intersection on the straight lane, there just had to be someone double parked, without any signal lights but people going in and out of the vehicle the entire time I've had the vehicle spotted. There were two cars ahead of me, apart from the double parked one, each of them occupying both lanes. I stood behind the double parked vehicle for a bit, thinking that he would wise up by the time the signal changed, but to no avail. So, I did what anyone would've done; I changed over to the next lane, got next to him, slightly wedged in front of him and into the straight lane, with my right turn signal on to show him that I'm going to pass him.

So, the light turned green, and the cars ahead of me proceeded, followed by me. I successfully switched over to the straight lane and started the drive when I heard really obnoxious honking behind me. I looked in the rear view mirror and, sure enough, it was that double parked idiot, except that now he was tailgating me with a couple of feet to spare between our bumpers, all the while honking and flashing his high beams.

That went on for a few seconds until I finally decided that I've had enough. I was EDC'ing the TN11 on the left side of my belt. I grabbed it with my right hand, pointed it back without evening turning my head and hit the switch on full power. It must've been a shocking experience for him, since I saw that he IMMEDIATELY backed off and turned into the next street.


Newly Enlightened
Dec 12, 2011
Woke up this morning at 3am to take a shower and walked face-first into a spiderweb on my way to the bathroom. Took out my RRT0 XML, so as not to wake up my wife or kids, to look for the dang spider and found him on the ceiling. I then proceeded to use my flashlight to locate my scissors which I used to cut off all of said-spider's legs. I hate spiders and I'm sorry in advance too all spider lovers out there, but that has got to be one of the worst ways to start your morning just getting out of bed (not counting a life threatening emergency).