One time she went toe to toe with a member here that some would say tended to self aggrandizement. Boss Lady posts an overhead view of her house, I think to show she wasn't afraid of people knowing where she lived (or something like that). Seems like she talked about having an affinity for law enforcement guys. Smokes cigars she does.
Gawly, this feels weird talking about somebody like this. Well anyway, she sounds like quite a character. Used to work in a morgue in Vegas apparently; saw dead guys who led mean, evil lives, looked like. She took photos of explosions for a while, and felt the concussion front from them. And who can forget how she used to run a forum for politically conservative enthusiasts. What was that conservative radio personality's name? Ah yes, Rush Limbaugh. Well that's how she came to CPF, because the guy who gave her the reins to Rushland, started CPF.
And yeah, she has (had?) a Polaris Slingshot, which must be a lot of fun but once they tangled with another vehicle in it. Seems like in 2013 she was less tolerant of goofs and spitball weiners, but she mellowed out I guess. One time she started a thread that indicated flashlights were not as fun as they used to be.
She's got a grandson that hopefully she'll get to see more now.
That's all I got