Hey there again! So, yes 4 XE-E emitters are better than 1 equally matched MC-E. I just wanted to poke in to tie this to your other thread, lightime. I mentioned the MC-E solely because it would be more efficient to run MC-E at the required power to produce, say 150 lumens, than a single XR-E. This is because the current is split by 4 so the forward voltage of each die would be slightly lower.
In your above scenario, you have to consider that you are dumping more than 10W of energy into either a single MC-E or four XR-E emitters, even if they are mounted to a large heatsink (1A per emitter or die means around 14W total according to jtr1962's measurements). At these higher power levels, then the way that heat is concentrated means everything.
However, if you consider the scenario in your other thread where the tiny heatsink/heatspreader (1" dia by 0.5" deep) can barely handle more than 3W, then the effect of dumping 3W into a MC-E will have little difference compared to doing the same with 4 XR-E emitters (the effect is not as dramatic). The heatspreader will struggle with dissipating nearly 3W of heat regardless to how the heat is concentrated by the emitter(s). Either of the two types of emitters will be running hot at 3W mounted on a heatspreader that is nearly saturated with heat.
Sorry that I am tying these threads together, but I just want you to make sure you understand the difference. If you are thinking about another project idea, then ignore this post.