i can chip in on this topic

185 lumens from an MTE drop-in vs 255 lumens (updated version) from MTE drop-in, in real world the difference is not too great, additional lumens result in slightly better throw. for that extra 70 lumens, the improvement in throw equates to about 15%-25% (factoring tint variations). i have them tested with fresh cells.
what's the same:
- both drop-in modules from same company
- both have the same orange peel (textured) reflector
- beam profile
- test environment (but not pitch black), tested side-by-side
- batteries in both lights were new
what not really the same:
- tint (the older drop-in had a bluer tint to it), but tint variations is common till this day
other differences:
-the 255 lumen drop-in has a spill without any rings to it, the 185 lumen drop-in did.
tested in Pelican M6. i have both the 2330 & the 2390. test differences are kept to the minimum. in addition (compared to another light), the 255 lumens in the Pelican M6 host has a larger hotspot but less throw compared to the Fenix T1 at 225 lumens.
ideally, in the real world its possible to actually test a light in person with a light 1 regularly uses. with a referance light on hand, it makes judging potential purchase less of a guessing game. bringing your own batteries for that other light helps too!
i hope this info is useful.