2-3 amp buck options?

Lumencraft (Matt)

Flashlight Enthusiast
Jun 19, 2008
Hi everyone,

I am looking for a specific driver. Ideally I need a 2-3A buck converter that can be used with at least 8.4v. 3 mode would be nice, but single would be better than nothing. Here is the tough part 17mm.

What I need is a driver that will fit in P60 size dropins that will drive an MCE, and will allow me to use 2x li-ion.

I know they exsist, I harvested a driver that was close ( the size was correct and the output) from what I think was some kind of large DX dropin. I cant seem to find a driver that is this small with the correct out put on its own though.

Any help would be great. Drivers such as the Shiningbeam or similar with 6V max are not what I need.

Too bad the Shark Buck is 19mm. :sick2:

The size of the shark is close, but the real problem with it is the heat sinking. I have used the blue shark before in small lights, and found it difficult to get the sinking good enough to run for more than a couple minutes.

Have you looked at member Downloads "Poormans Multi-Lux Setup"
thread ?

I have used this setup a few times for multi emitter mags, but it really doesnt translate for smaller lights.
Hi everyone,

I am looking for a specific driver. Ideally I need a 2-3A buck converter that can be used with at least 8.4v. 3 mode would be nice, but single would be better than nothing. Here is the tough part 17mm.

What I need is a driver that will fit in P60 size dropins that will drive an MCE, and will allow me to use 2x li-ion.

I know they exsist, I harvested a driver that was close ( the size was correct and the output) from what I think was some kind of large DX dropin. I cant seem to find a driver that is this small with the correct out put on its own though.

Any help would be great. Drivers such as the Shiningbeam or similar with 6V max are not what I need.


If you want a buck driver to run an MC-E using 2xLi-ion, then you are looking at either a 4P or 2S2P MC-E. Only with 4P do you need 2A-3A. With 2S2P, you need only 1.4A to run the MC-E at full power.

For that, you probably can use a mod'ed AX2002 based driver like the KD1640, DX3256, or DX26110. Change out the sense resistor to the appropriate value to get 1.4A. You'll probably exceed the specs on some of the other components like the Schottky diode, but at the price for these boards taking the chance is probably worth it.
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2S2P + shinging beam 1.4A 3 mode.
4P + 3xDX 800ma in parallel