3 mode driver for p7 is there such a thing?


Mar 16, 2008
guildford england
i'm having no luck find a 3 mode driver to power a p7 or just to control 3 modes of light maybe 10%,50%,100% in a m*g or is there a way to disable strobe and sos mode? or a switch that fits inplace of the stock m*g switch
is some thing like this for use with a p7 http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=177316
yes i do know it for incan's but this i think is programable and would be great
here' hope my dream driver out there of to drink beer and KFC thanks DocD
31 guys and girls take a look at this but no replys must be a USA thing to read but not post anything, OH well back to wasting money and getting wrong, i thought this was the place to asked such thing's :sigh:
many thanks DocD
i think its hard enough to find a good single mode driver let alone 3 :)
31 guys and girls take a look at this but no replys must be a USA thing to read but not post anything, OH well back to wasting money and getting wrong, i thought this was the place to asked such thing's :sigh:
many thanks DocD

Yeah, nice to meet you too...
31 guys and girls take a look at this but no replys must be a USA thing to read but not post anything, OH well back to wasting money and getting wrong, i thought this was the place to asked such thing's :sigh:
many thanks DocD
I was going to post something meaningful to this thread.
31 guys and girls take a look at this but no replys must be a USA thing to read but not post anything, OH well back to wasting money and getting wrong, i thought this was the place to asked such thing's :sigh:
many thanks DocD

I'll say what others are thinking... You sound like a little whiny baby tugging at his mom's arm demanding answers as soon as you spit them out. By the way, do you have something against Americans, or do you just think that by insulting people you will get what you want? And just for your information, this is an international forum with members all over the world who CONTRIBUTE to it as a community. Did you ever think for once second that the 31 people who read your post (a very small number considering the size of this forum), may not have the answer? How many threads have you read on this forum? I'm willing to bet that your whopping 26 posts are not only non constructive, but are also a small portion of the number of posts that you've browsed.

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I'll say what others are thinking... You sound like a little whiny baby tugging at his mom's arm demanding answers as soon as you spit them out. By the way, do you have something against Americans, or do you just think that by insulting people you will get what you want? And just for your information, this is an international forum with members all over the world who CONTRIBUTE to it as a community. Did you ever think for once second that the 31 people who read your post (a very small number considering the size of this forum), may not have the answer? How many threads have you read on this forum? I'm willing to bet that your whopping 26 posts are not only non constructive, but are also a small portion of the number of posts that you've browsed.

opps have i upset you i didn't mean to, it's a funny thing to read your reply and to be fair it wasn't very helpfull, i think the U.S.A. is a nice place, full of nice things and nice people
so next time you see or maybe read a post on this forum from me
1, only post if your going to write helpfull
2, were you in the Wrestling team at school:kiss:

i'm sorry for upsetting you and it's not about the amount of post but how helpfull someone can be:thumbsup:
A little bad humor on my part:ohgeez:
Many thanks DocD
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Wow, what an arrogant fool!!

You ask people to "only post if your going to write helpfull", and yet you criticize and insult 31 people for doing just that.

If I KNEW the answer to your question, I would not provide it to one such as you.

I suggest you apoligize to the forum at large WITHOUT further criticizing those same people.

Frank Zuccarini
Wow, what an arrogant fool!!

You ask people to "only post if your going to write helpfull", and yet you criticize and insult 31 people for doing just that.

If I KNEW the answer to your question, I would not provide it to one such as you.

I suggest you apoligize to the forum at large WITHOUT further criticizing those same people.

Frank Zuccarini
Please go back read the whole thread :sigh: i have said i'm SORRY, but it looks like my dry english humor is not very funny, so if you want try to smile to day i am :thumbsup:and again i'm SORRY to the whole forum
many thanks DocD
If you follow the instructions in this thread:


If you use the 16 mode variety to control the slave board it has one UI group that contain only low-med-high. I have done this and it works for me. It also helps the SSC P7 to keep cool as it drives it at 2.3-2.4A. The difference in brightness compared to 2.8A is negligible. This is the only choice for decent regulation below $30 within the range 3.6-4.8 Volt. Works best with four NiMH cells and it's ok with one larger LiION cell.
If you follow the instructions in this thread:


If you use the 16 mode variety to control the slave board it has one UI group that contain only low-med-high. I have done this and it works for me. It also helps the SSC P7 to keep cool as it drives it at 2.3-2.4A. The difference in brightness compared to 2.8A is negligible. This is the only choice for decent regulation below $30 within the range 3.6-4.8 Volt. Works best with four NiMH cells and it's ok with one larger LiION cell.
thanks for link it's very helpfull,what's the run time like using larger LiION cell, which heatsink did you used many thanks DocD
31 guys and girls take a look at this but no replys must be a USA thing to read but not post anything, OH well back to wasting money and getting wrong, i thought this was the place to asked such thing's :sigh:
many thanks DocD

My deepest apologies for being one of the 30 who read and did not reply to your thread at an earlier time. So I shall reply now.
DocD, you will be happy to know that you are now the second person ever to be added to my ignore list in this forum. Rest assured that I will never again read one of your posts without replying. :shakehead
DocD, you are not the first person on my ignore list, nor will you be the last, but on my ignore list you will go.

btw, this is not the only post you have shown your ignorance, just the straw that broke the camel's back.
I think the recriminations have gone far enough. DocD made an impatient and tactless post and was taken to task for it - and he has made a genuine apology. There is no need to labour the point further.

Back on to the topic, please.
Still a bit off topic but I do have a question about the P7.
it has four leads and four dies and the bottomof it is active (positive?)
Can each of those dies be driven independantly and if not why four leads?
No, you cannot drive them independently. Elektrolumens connects his P7's by only one pair of the leads (one from each side). The double leads appear to just be a redundancy feature possibly to help with the high current.