3v RCR123 with P2D RB100 ??


Dec 31, 2005
Kingwood, TX
I didn't find my answers on a search, any help would be apppreciated.

1) Will the 3v RCR123 allow all levels to work with the P2D RB100?
2) Is the runtim reasonable with the 3v RCR123?
3) Can I use the Nano charger for the 3v RCR123's, or do I need a special 3v charger?

1) I believe that it should since it's the higher voltage of the 3.7v cells that causes the problem. The P2D uses a boost circuit and you can't boost a battery coming off the charger at 4+ volts down to the 3.6 needed by the LED, you would need a buck circuit for that. 3v cells shouldn't come off the charger that hot so I think it should be okay.
2) runtime will be less than with primaries. Primaries tend to be between 1300 and 1600 mAh capacity I believe. The best rechargeables I've seen tend to be between 750 and 900 mAh. So figure about half the runtime, maybe a little better.
3) I have no idea on this one. maybe someone else can help there.

For what it's worth, for a single CR123 light like the P2D batterystation.com has on their CPF specials page a deal on CR123 cells that were either mismatched or tested at less than 100%. $30 for 50 cells. You just can't use them in a multi-cell light without risk of them going boom. When I asked a couple of weeks ago, they told me they only had about 400 left and when those are gone the deal is over because they won't be getting any more of them.
Thanks for the reply Avatar28. I guess the thing that holds me back is half the runtime, and maybe needing another charger. I'm trying to keep things simple, and don't even re-charge the 25 or so rechareable AA's I have. I just Lithiums or good Alkalines, I'm too lazy for all that. I only re-charge for my EDC, FF3 (Firefly 3, 1 x RCR123).

Also, I had a batch of Battery Station CR123's that had a couple bad apples, and I don't want that either. If I have a spare battery on me, I want to know I'll get full use out of it. But for those on a tighter budget, I'm sure it's a great deal.
I've heard that the best RCR123 cells are AW. I'm not sure if this is a brand or site but just AW cells are the top-of-the-line batteries for 3V RCR123.

I've yet to really use my Tenergy RCR123 900mAh cells yet, but I bought the charger and then two more cells for a total of six. This will make me buy a P3D or something that uses two 123 cells.
I've seen a few reports that the P2D/R100 body is very sensitive to the length of the cell. Indeed mine will not switch modes with some battery brands. So a 3v RCR123 might be fine electrically, and might turn on and off, but might not switch between mode groups.