4C Maglite w/ 3xEmoli cell, any options brighter than 1185?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 10, 2006
I've been contemplating modding a 4C maglite of mine to use 3xEmoli Cells to drive a hotwire. Now I'm aware of a lot of options for 2xLiIon (overdriven 6v bulbs), but is there anything available in 3xLiIon brighter than the 1185, or is that really the only viable option at that voltage?
Looks like the 1185 is about it for 11.1V operation. Looks like my best option then would be to get a regulated setup, and run one of the overdriven 6V lamps. The only problem with that is that I ahven't been able to find where to find regulated drivers, and that would also create a problem of how to prevent overdischarge (if the light does not ever dim noticeably)
Looks like the 1185 is about it for 11.1V operation. Looks like my best option then would be to get a regulated setup, and run one of the overdriven 6V lamps. The only problem with that is that I ahven't been able to find where to find regulated drivers, and that would also create a problem of how to prevent overdischarge (if the light does not ever dim noticeably)

Most people are waiting for AW to develop a regulated version of his D Driver. I doubt you will find many AWR Hot Drivers anymore.