4th Of July + Fireworks = Smoke + beamshots


Newly Enlightened
May 31, 2011
Hello fellow light bugs. :wave:

Who else is looking forward to the fireworks, not for the colors and the "bang" ?

The smoke in the air in my little neighborhood during and post fireworks should make a great opportunity to play with the lights outdoors to see the beam profiles.

Improvised fog . :devil:
I am very excited to play with my lights on the way to and from the fireworks. I'm also going camping this weekend for the first time in a while, so I am really looking forward to the holiday weekend! Combine those events with an outdoor picnic one day lasting into the night, and there will be plenty of opportunities for playing with lights. :)
I love seeing a flashlight beam cut through smoke, it gives a great opportunity to view the beam profile as you said.
Homemade Firework Grand Finale> Video! Post yours too!

We celebrated Independence Day last night at my brothers house. We always do fireworks, and in the past 3 years we make a grand finale board. :naughty:

We basically glue down a bunch of cakes/saturn missles/mortars and tether them all together with a long fuse and cable ties. :D

Heres a video of last nights grand finale, there is a lil "fuse lag" at the very end when our 12 mortars go off. :eek:

Sorry, thats me yelling in the video, I was about 7 beers deep. :thumbsup:


And feel free to film yours and post here!!
