Which one bulb do you prefer for fun purposes? Assume using 4 x AW's IMR 26500's; Borofloat glass; alum. reflectors, AW's soft-start switch mod on a standard 4C cell mag.
LuxLuthor's spreadsheets say the 458 has lower amp usage of 8.8 amps (vs. 10.1 amps for the 623) at 14.8-16.8 volts. And the 458 has a vertical element that is said to be great at throw focusing in contrast to the 623's horizontal element.
The 623 has greater lumage at 15 volts of 6100 lumens vs. the 458's lower 3931 lumen at about 15 volts. Which one do you find has better color? useful runtime? greater wow factor? Other attributes?
LuxLuthor's spreadsheets say the 458 has lower amp usage of 8.8 amps (vs. 10.1 amps for the 623) at 14.8-16.8 volts. And the 458 has a vertical element that is said to be great at throw focusing in contrast to the 623's horizontal element.
The 623 has greater lumage at 15 volts of 6100 lumens vs. the 458's lower 3931 lumen at about 15 volts. Which one do you find has better color? useful runtime? greater wow factor? Other attributes?