A cure for flashoholism


Apr 20, 2008
I've discovered a cure, unintentionally. This assumes that the definition of flashoholism is the idea of always wanting more and better lights. Here's what I discovered:

While noticing that I have quite a stockpile of old batteries that are simply going to die of old age if I don't use them up first, I decided to use my old lights (2D kryton, 2C krypton) lights around the house to use up those old batteries that wouldn't otherwise get used. Normally, I favor AA and AAA LEDs for everything. While using my older lights around the house for several weeks, I started getting used to them and realizing through experience that they really are perfectly fine! Ok, not as much of a joy as the LEDs, but still just fine. And using these lights (and being satisfied using them) while having my superior LEDs waiting for their time to shine makes me realize that if I already have older lights that are proving themselves worthy, and much better lights already on hand, why do I need more???

So put away your 100 lumen retina burners and try using your $5 lights (at least around the house) for about a month. You may be surprised how you feel differently about them afterwards.
I use my $15 light, the E01 quite frequently. But when I need a boost, dang that D10 can kick it up a few notches!!! :D

The beauty of having a light that can do it all - super low to super bright. :naughty:

I think my NiteCore D10 has cured me for a while. I can see no other lights that will ursurp its position as EDC king for quite a while.

Of course, you can never say never...
Try RC helicopters......

Running around 50$ a crash + = no more money for lights :broke:

But I am getting beter so havent crashed in awhile light bug is biting again......But DOH!!!! some beter stuff for the RC is as I put it a good idea "Domestic Financial Engineer {reads lady}" says NO.

Add this to the fact that I havent seen anything new i awhile that really blows my skirt up.

So moral of the story is if you have a "spending habbit" get a significant other who doesnt share your passion for your hobbies kinda cures it.:drool:
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My problem is bigger than I thought. I cannot go back. My lights have all been upgraded with Q5, SSC P4-U, R2 + multiples of them. :candle:
I tried that.... The cure only reinforced the sickness.:thinking:



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I've discovered a cure, unintentionally. This assumes that the definition of flashoholism is the idea of always wanting more and better lights. Here's what I discovered:

While noticing that I have quite a stockpile of old batteries that are simply going to die of old age if I don't use them up first, I decided to use my old lights (2D kryton, 2C krypton) lights around the house to use up those old batteries that wouldn't otherwise get used. Normally, I favor AA and AAA LEDs for everything. While using my older lights around the house for several weeks, I started getting used to them and realizing through experience that they really are perfectly fine! Ok, not as much of a joy as the LEDs, but still just fine. And using these lights (and being satisfied using them) while having my superior LEDs waiting for their time to shine makes me realize that if I already have older lights that are proving themselves worthy, and much better lights already on hand, why do I need more???

So put away your 100 lumen retina burners and try using your $5 lights (at least around the house) for about a month. You may be surprised how you feel differently about them afterwards.

Very good idea.:thumbsup:

I have been using my old 4D Incan Dorcy Focusing lamp spotlight recently and despite having so many nice new lights I am having a great time with it.
I have been using a super cheap 1AA incan lately to run down my LSD AA's and they have been running surprisingly long and even though the amount of light is tiny, it is actually useable in the dark.
I'm glad to hear that it worked for you. But for some of us, the flashaholism is MUCH worse... how many of you out there snickered when you read "100 lumen retina burners?" :grin2:

My problem is that as brighter technology arrives and in smaller packages, the sickness gets worse :sick:. I went from obsessing over tiny bright LEDs to ROPs, Mag85s, and P7 emitters! I already have an HID so who knows what will be next??? IS THERE A CURE, DOCTOR?!?!
Not married to her yet.....
Problem is she knows what they are all costing and I am not about to lie to her....
Good thing is she likes good flashlights as well but not alot of them.....On another note i have started to get her into rc airplanes....
"Why do I need more," you ask? Because I see more than enough junk lights (that includes stock incan Mags, thank you very much) in every non-flashaholic home and business I visit. Because I want my flashlight batteries to make themselves useful. Because I like reliable tools. Because I enjoy getting over 100L (from a decent flashlight) with a single "dead" cell scavenged from a stock incan Minimag.

From the 2D plastic incan "emergency" lights with one good cell and one empty cell to the "forever" shake lights whose main design function is to take money from wishful consumers, I've had enough of that stuff. That's why I surfed flashlightreviews.com and then joined CPF in the first place.

Of course, if you still prefer to use your unregulated, alkaline, krypton bulb, cheap plastic flashlights anyway, be my guest. Different strokes for different folks. :)
LEDrock;2577648} said:
So put away your 100 lumen retina burners

Bah 100 lumens is for kindygarden girlies. :grin2:

True flashaholism begins at 1000. And hardcore doesn't happen until you surpass 1000W... I'm still working on that one.

So put away your 100 lumen retina burners and try using your $5 lights (at least around the house) for about a month. You may be surprised how you feel differently about them afterwards.



Indeed, it is humbling to revisit old standby's. Why do I really need a 900-lumen torch, when 50 used to do just fine? :confused:
I've discovered a cure, unintentionally...

Herein lies the fallacy. There is no cure for this disease. It's chronic, and periodic remissions ultimately lead back to recurrence. If anyone thinks there is a cure, they are just in denial. Except me. I've totally kicked the habit. I'll quit just as soon as I get my last Arc6. Honest, I've done it many times...Quit that is.
I clicked on this thread with hope, to find none :(

There really is no cure, is there? My girlfriend can't keep me in check either as she thinks it's a good thing as they are useful unlike say stamp collecting. And I'm beginning to set my sights on incans (still haven't bought a decent one) and HIDs now too...

And I had better pray that Lummi doesn't come out with anything new for a little while or my wallet will be screaming!

Edit: :ohgeez::broke: I spoke too soon, his Raw ALs are done and ready to ship and only 15 left. I *had* to get one...
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