Aftermarket M6 KT-4's bezel wanted...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2008
Prunedale, CA
I asked before about purchasing a KT-4 Surefire Millenium bezel and I got a good reply on where to purchase new for nearly $200 dollars.:poke:

I seen some new KT-4's on ebay for $130~150; Ideally I want the real deal, but so far they are all soooooo expensive.

I want a replica version so that I can drop-in my wa1185 bin set-up and have it dedicated for incan use. I guess I am hoping the replicas will be less expensive:candle:

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Re: Aftermarket M6 bezel wanted...

I think the title should be changed to:

Aftermarket KT4 head wanted

The bezel is the ring than retains the lens in the head.

I don't recall coming across any KT4 knock-offs but if one exists it's probably within the airsoft world and from G&P or another company like it.
Re: Aftermarket M6 bezel wanted...

I think the title should be changed to:

Aftermarket KT4 head wanted

The bezel is the ring than retains the lens in the head.

I don't recall coming across any KT4 knock-offs but if one exists it's probably within the airsoft world and from G&P or another company like it.

Thanks; I just changed it.
FM was talking about making a compatable 3" head for the M series in his megallenium thread.