Aleph 3 QuadCree! Should I Continue My Build? Picture


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 6, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
What do you guys think. Should I finish it?:grin2: The heatsink started off as a Modamag C-Cell PXR. Sorry Modamag, I destroyed another one of your heatsinks.:eek: My Dremel had quite a time getting it to fit. I was going for a TriCree but...... Thanks Photorob????:ohgeez: I can still go TriCree at this point. Of course with a Quad no Titanium for heat reasons!:awman:

:help: Suggestions, comments?:thanks:


Hrmm... I think the Tri lights look more state of the art for some reason. Plus, other than bragging rights and generally showing off, if three well-driven Crees won't do the job, more than likely 4 won't either.

Tri Cree mods over quads for better looks and better runtime.
Hello Ken:)

I think, you use 4x16mm reflectors for the quad. With the tree you can use 18mm reflectors, so the throw is improved over the quad and the less total overall output is IMO worth the gain for longer runtimes.

Best regards

Looks superb to me. :bow:

If each Cree is driven at about 350ma and you have an 18650,
you should still get a decent runtime and impressive output.
ACMarina said:
You should send it to me when you're finished for long-term testing ;)

ACMarina, you already have too many cool flashlights I would like to test for a few years myself! :nana: :laughing:

If throw were a big consideration to me or I had any brains I would go Tri SSC P4 which I am also working on for an Aleph 3!:whistle: The Cree`s with 4 modified Mcr16 not Mcr16XR should make a very large diameter flood type beam. The shorter reflectors leave more room for more heatsink as well. This just seems like a fun idea but Aleph 3 heads are getting harder to come by.:awman:

EasyLED, I have a Bare Aluminum A3 head and TB made battery tube for 2 x 17500 that I would use.

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cmacclel said:
Go for the QUAD :) but then you need to find a driver board :(


Hmmm.... Believe I sent a message to some guy named Mac the other day about driver ideas for this but....:candle: :p

I Emailed Goldserve about making a 4X FluPic. He stated it seemed do-able but didn`t mention anything about actually doing one for me. :shrug:
kenster said:
Hmmm.... Believe I sent a message to some guy named Mac the other day about driver ideas for this but....:candle: :p

I Emailed Goldserve about making a 4X FluPic. He stated it seemed do-able but didn`t mention anything about actually doing one for me. :shrug:

No need for a driver board run it direct drive :) with a resistored tailswitch......done.

Yes I want a quad flupic too!! Lets bug him!! The flupic is PWM but is it higher than say a Jetbeam/l0d? Cause those lights I can see mad flickering.

Just curious.

I'm going DD for my quad light too. Actually I'll be using resistors for each LED to keep current in check for freshly charged cells.
how hard to you plan to drive them? or how much do you think they can take, and be OK heat-wise?
Just use the tri-flupic board, put two leds in parallel on one output and two on the other. Disregard the third output.

I may need to reprogram the boards for this operation. Then each led can get max of 700ma on 10/10 and burst will essentially the same as level10.
goldserve said:
Just use the tri-flupic board, put two leds in parallel on one output and two on the other. Disregard the third output.

I may need to reprogram the boards for this operation. Then each led can get max of 700ma on 10/10 and burst will essentially the same as level10.

If the 3X board will work that way...... I would be :grin2: :rock: On burst, I believe that would make roughly 500ma to each LED? Of course, I would have to change the battery configuration to a single 18650 cell but I have a Black A3 head and TB battery tube just sitting around doing nothing anyway.:whistle:

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