Almost freaked over a "lost" light.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 18, 2005
Went to to use my Stylus Pro tonight and it was not in my sweatpants pocket. What the? So I stopped the washer and checked the shirt I had just tossed in, nope. So i hurried to the closet and checked the shorts I wore when I worked out this afternoon, nope. Now I am getting frantic. I know, I know , its not an expensive light, but it is my current favorite, bar none and I just dont want to have to order another and wait. I am tearing apart the house when I remember cleaning the car. sure enough its in there,whew.

ever happen to you?
I've never, ever done that with any light.:whistle:

Glad you found it though.

One of my brothers kids took my yellow g2 with a Cree r2 drop-in home with him. About a month later I ask my brother if he had seen this light, he said that he thinks he has it.:ohgeez:
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All the time, or course. Now that my favorite lights are so much brighter, smaller, and lighter than my ex-and-less-favorite Maglites, I need to be more careful, or at least that's what I tell myself.

In the past, I actually loaned out MagMini's every once in a while to my church kids, thinking it's ok if, uhmmm, I "forgot" :whistle: to ask them back. I probably will continue to get MagMini's whenever I see them on sale; firstly as back-up lights and secondly, as loan-out lights.

Just a few weeks ago, I would not have thought about getting any kind of flashlight over $100. Today, I will definitely write it down if someone borrows an M6 from my drawer.

Of course, spouse has full waiver and must be obeyed.

Another risk factor: kids' sneaky hands. :laughing:

With Aloha,

When this type of thing started happening to me, I realised I had too many lights in rotation at one time. I ended up boxing up most of them and swapping between 5-6 at any given time.
Same thing happened to me except with a Microstream (the one AAA version of your light.)

I was pretty bummed about losing it until I found it clipped onto my guitar strap, apparently I brushed the guitar strap by my pants pocket and the lights clip caught it and transferred from my pocket to the strap.

Needless to say, I was confused as to how that happened. :laughing:
I've misplaced lights sooo many times.
Recently I left me M6 with a triple P7 KT4 outside and finally found it late at night....I almost freaked

Another time at band actually I was up north last summer and brought about 10 lights with me. While we were loading all the crap back into the truck, I must have left my modded KL1 on a custom body on the tailgate. I looked through my stuff and could find it. We went back to the cabin and the headlights from the truck made contact with the TIR optic and made itself known. I was so freakin happy!!

On a bad note, I sold my X200 modded with a seoul and mcr20s reflector to a friend. He absolutey loves the light. He uses it for night riding on his motorcycle up north michigan on trails. He had to stop by yesterday so I could loan him a light because he lost the X200!! Needless to say, he's really bummed out.
Hopefully it turns up.
I think the question should be, 'has it ever not happened to someone?'

It has probably happened to me 3-4 time really bad, sometimes lasting days before it showed up. Fortunately, I've only ever permanently lost one light and that was the first Stylus Pro I ever owned. I think it was my 3rd LED light ever and I was ticked because of the sentimental value.
I've lost two of my lights in the past week. First my MJ Extreme III, and now my Arc DS AAA. They are somewhere in the house, and I will probably find them when I rearrange my bedroom, or when I move!!!!

Never fully lost one of my lights, I just lose them then freak out & then find them, i hate that!
I sadly lost my Inova X1 while camping, this was the first gen one with the Tiros projection so since you can't buy it anymore I miss it. If anyone has one they'd be willing to part with I'd be happy to pay full price and shipping for it.
Yep...hapened to me lots!

I think I've always found most things...but I freak when I think they are gone.:eek:

on the grand scheme of things I think I need to take myself into one corner, and have a little chat with myself.:duh2:

Torches ( and pocket knives) are not that important...atleast thats what I need to tell myself. :)
never have, & I highly doubt I ever will. :whistle:

EDIT: one of my friends lost his yellow dolphin torch on a camping trip (but couldn't remember exactly were he lost it). I kid you not, about a year later when we went back to the same camp spot, we just happen to be walking in a remote area & found it where he last left it - with weeds & sticks slightly hiding it. And the hilarious thing was it worked first time off the same battery.:D I LMAO big time :crackup:Yep those dolphin torches are weather proof. This camp site is in a huge valley & is subject to lotsa rain.

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brand new Nitecore Extreme, about 500 miles away from me now when i was camping, i searched for it all night, it was clipped to my belt all day and when night actually fell and the light was needed it wasnt there, needless to say someone has got themselves a very good torch, i wonder if they can work it, it does have Nitecores web address etched into it so...