Anybody in their family have somebody question spending 50 dollars on a flashlight?

My Dad did when I showed him my first good light. Now he has 4 or 5 himself! Just wait till he see's my new Malkoff's :D! Finally got the M60 and 2-3 D M@g I've been wanting.....sure wish I could afford that P7 :sigh:.
The problem is when you have four or five of them with you they tend to ask.
I got you beat dude. Back in 1998, I used my hard-earned grocery-bagging money to buy a mountain bike for not fifty, but five hundred dollars. My parents thought I was completely out of my mind.

A couple of years later, I was riding said bike on-campus at college, when an old Pontiac Firebird turned in front of me and I slammed into the front-left fender hard enough to launch myself and the bike completely over the hood, touching nothing but the bare pavement on the other side. (now, touching is an understatement here.) It took me a month to heal all my cuts and bruises. The bike needed to have its wheels straightened, which I did with a $40 multi-tool.

After that day, my father changed his tune 180-degrees. Now he praises that bike (which I still have) for not collapsing under the pressure and smearing me across that guy's hood.

All it takes is one time when your expensive purchase saves the day.
Nope. And my GF even encouraged me to look at MC-E lights after we almost got hit walking after dark the other night despite the C2. "It's for safety". She's a keeper :thumbsup:
that's why many of us go to great lengths to hide our flashaholism. (there are other threads about this).
I have stuff mailed to work , instead of home. this way I can shred boxes and receipts before I get home.
this draws less attention.
but my wife is smart, as well as beautiful, and knows that surefires and other high end lights aint cheap.
I have acquired a couple things via trade, so that's okay for my wife.
but, yes, many wouldn't understand.
"You Dont NEED another flashlight!!" is a common one... :laughing: If I ever tell them the prices of my SFs they just say, why didn't you get a m*glite?

Me. myself.

and we sure have some arguments and heated conversations of what to get, why and is it really worth it..

sometimes i win but most times i loose. :(

I am odd in many ways. :huh: hahah

In spite of being an old flashaholic I'm exactly the same. I'm definitely my worst enemy. Just cheap at heart. I'm sure my wife is thinking it, but, to her credit she's never voiced it. I wouldn't dare tell my Dad if he was still alive. I used to have great arguments with my old boss, but I'm retired now, so screw him.

Just divide the retail price by 10 then tell them it only cost you $10:nana:.

If they ask you to get them a couple, tell them they sold out or limited time only
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that's why many of us go to great lengths to hide our flashaholism. (there are other threads about this).
I have stuff mailed to work , instead of home. this way I can shred boxes and receipts before I get home.
this draws less attention.
but my wife is smart, as well as beautiful, and knows that surefires and other high end lights aint cheap.
I have acquired a couple things via trade, so that's okay for my wife.
but, yes, many wouldn't understand.
It's funny, isn't it? I bet if you collected porcelain figurines that would be totally understandable. But something useful? More than one? Why on earth would you ever do such a thing?

You're obviously compensating for something.
My wife was OK with my spending $40 on a couple of Terralux drop-ins for my aging 3-D M@gs a while back. She was impressed with the new throw they had as she could now clearly see clearly to the end of the yard (we have had a black bear problem here the last few years). But then I discovered CPF about a year ago and ordered a $70 CDN Fenix L2D Q5, she asked how I could spend that much money on a light 1/10 the size of my M@gs. All my new lights are now shipped to me at work. :D
The only person I have met who doesn't laugh at me is my EX.. shoulda kept her :(
Actually, people are more shocked by what I spend on knives. Most of my lights are in the $40-$75 range and when I show them to my friends most of them are not grossed out by the price as they spend twice that on weapon's mounted lights, they also aren't shocked by expensive firearms, but many of them wouldn't think of spending more than $30 on a knife of any kind.

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