I've got two paper wasp nests on my house, one of which is in a high traffic area (on the underside of the awning (sp?), the other high up under the roof eve (20+ feet up).
The research I've done indicates that paper wasps are relatively unaggressive members in the wasp family (as long as their nest isn't attacked), and so far they are not giving me trouble (I can get a couple feet close to the awning nest), and they leave me alone. My plan is to remove the closer nest for sure, because I don't want to risk an attack.
I'm debating whether to have a professional remove the nest 20 feet up (its too high for me to safely remove it). Up to this point, I'm able to mow the lawns with no aggression shown from the wasps. I also understand that these are beneficial insects, and if they don't pose a threat, should be left alone (they kill harmful insects).
I've had yellowjacket (smaller, but much nastier wasps) nests on my property before, and they would attack from well over 100 feet away, or even randomly when eating outside. These paper wasps leave us alone outside (they don't try to get into our food), and don't seem phazed by the lawn mower.
Will the aggression escalate with time? Should I be concerned about the higher nest? (the one I cannot safely get to without professional help)?
The research I've done indicates that paper wasps are relatively unaggressive members in the wasp family (as long as their nest isn't attacked), and so far they are not giving me trouble (I can get a couple feet close to the awning nest), and they leave me alone. My plan is to remove the closer nest for sure, because I don't want to risk an attack.
I'm debating whether to have a professional remove the nest 20 feet up (its too high for me to safely remove it). Up to this point, I'm able to mow the lawns with no aggression shown from the wasps. I also understand that these are beneficial insects, and if they don't pose a threat, should be left alone (they kill harmful insects).
I've had yellowjacket (smaller, but much nastier wasps) nests on my property before, and they would attack from well over 100 feet away, or even randomly when eating outside. These paper wasps leave us alone outside (they don't try to get into our food), and don't seem phazed by the lawn mower.
Will the aggression escalate with time? Should I be concerned about the higher nest? (the one I cannot safely get to without professional help)?