Anyone here compare the MRV SE Q5 with the DBS Q5?


Newly Enlightened
Feb 1, 2007
As the question suggests anyone here compare the MRV SE Q5 with the DBS Q5 for throw and output, which one throws further and which one is brighter since I am thinking of getting one of these.

All your suggestions are welcome. :)
I think the DBS is going to beat the MRV in total output and throw, as the DBS has a larger reflector that has proven to generate a tighter beam than the MRV in previous led versions, and the DBS is available with a 1.2A driver, which should run the LED at least another 10-15% brighter than the MRV.
As long as you include the DBS in this discussion...

I have both the new DBS as well as the Tiablo A9s, and I have the new MRV-SE Epsilon in transit on it's way to me.

So I don't have the MRV yet, but I can tell you that I am not as impressed with the DBS as much as I thought I would be.
The thing is, the DBS is supposed to be a "throw king", and it is, but at the expense of a "user friendly" center beam.
Sure, the DBS throws a smidgeon further than my A9s which I've compared it to (both with SM reflectors), but I like the larger center beam of the A9s better. The DBS (w/SM reflector) center beam is a little ringy as well while the A9s is a pure beam with not artifacts at all.
That's not to fault the DBS, but I think there's more to "throw" than just distance.

What I'm going to do is to install the OP reflector on the DBS and use it that way for (still good) throw, but to make it more useful as a flashlight overall. I might even try some diffuser material on the lens and see what it looks like as a "floody".
I'll leave the SM reflector on the A9s and it will be the "throw king" I go to when I want to "target" longer range objects.

So there's my take on those two lights, and I'm really curious to see how the new MRV fares compared to these two.
However, my intent for the MRV is to get the extension tube (when available) so it will take 2x18650 batteries for hellacious runtimes, with it's assumed lighting capabilities to be whatever I need whether with SM or OP reflector (don't know which I'll like better until I try them).

These three lights set up the ways I mention should cover the different types of use I need them for, from a long range thrower (A9s), to a bright but floodier "walkaround" light (DBS w/OP reflector + diffuser), to a similarly bright but long runtime light for when I'm out and about a while (MRV-SE w/extension tube).

Works for me. :wave:
I guess i would wait for someone to try all the three lights together in real world comparisons and get the results since Lumapower claim that the MRV SE has an output of 265+ lumens but the tiablo's claim to have an output of 250+ lumens guess the DBS Q5 also have a similar output of the tiablo's.

Anyway I gues I'll wait for someone to come up with something for the while. :shrug:
How about RaidFire ?
Why dont you add it in this comparison.:duh2:
The thing is, the DBS is supposed to be a "throw king", and it is, but at the expense of a "user friendly" center beam.
Sure, the DBS throws a smidgeon further than my A9s which I've compared it to (both with SM reflectors), but I like the larger center beam of the A9s better. The DBS (w/SM reflector) center beam is a little ringy as well while the A9s is a pure beam with not artifacts at all.
That's not to fault the DBS, but I think there's more to "throw" than just distance.

What I'm going to do is to install the OP reflector on the DBS and use it that way for (still good) throw, but to make it more useful as a flashlight overall. I might even try some diffuser material on the lens and see what it looks like as a "floody".

So, is the DBS "ringy" when you see it on white walls or do you see it when you outside shining it on something at a distance? I had an A9 that I just traded for a DBS, and the A9, to me was "ringy" on white walls, but not outside. Anyway the DBS i just received (2SM) has an OP reflector and I really like it. I don't have a smooth reflector but plan on getting one with some other pills. I know this is off the main topic but out of the A9 and DBS, I prefere the DBS. The build and extra weight of the DBS makes it feel like a more strudy light then the Tiablo. This one is a keeper for me.
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