just trying to see if any other gear heads here would be interested in showing other members/sharing ideas what they regard as the best components of an altoid tin PSK.
Thanks- I see components from Doug Ritters PSK and possibly a BCB tin- I was thinking about ordering one of those and the pouch- nice set up.
I have the Ritter clear pouch PSK and have added several items- derma blade (heard too many horror stories about the loose scalpel blade puncturing packs/carriers). Also added bestglide fresnel lens card in the red pouch and a few extra sparklite tinders.
good picture of the pouch- I never knew that it had an additional front compartment- the NATO lifeboat matches are nice- but I dislike the striker that comes on top of the supplied round white container- seems like it wears out rather fast- takes a lot more practice to ignite them then you would think- but they reignite if blown out and produce a more intense sustained heat. thanks for sharing.
good point too many....by Altoids tin- I am refering to a popular breath mint container - Altoids- although any rectangular metal tin approx.4.5" x 3" x 1" will suffice.