I was just wondering if anyone does Arc AA mods, you dont hear about them very much. I have 4 of the AA's and I would like to see what one would look like modded. Thanks for any help you can give me.
You're rigbt it is a beautiful light and I carry one every day, but with all the great mods people on this forum do I wanted to see how much better it could be.
Two of the lights I use the most are modded arc aa's - one by Jets22 and the other by 4Sevens; both are awesome!
Neither one is going to be a mega-thrower with the tiny reflector - but - they can be pushed to put out a 'wall' of very useful light good for 90% of the situations I need a light for.
Get in touch with either one of these cps'ers if you really want your aa to GLOW.... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
hey! I'd be interested in getting one of rugbymatt's modded ARC AA flashlights. That is if he's willing to sell one to me /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I propose you send one to Jets22 and the other to 4Sevens and when you get them back I'll pay you for the one that you liked the least between the two.
The Arc AA looks like a really nice light and I wish I had one. But Andrewwynns Peak Nano mod should be on it's way any day so it should do. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I have a 2 modded Arc AA's
One is a Madmax R Bin luxeon.
The other is a PIC controlled 8mm led with 14500 cell.
One of the easiest best mods you can do, it direct drive an 8mm led off a 14500 cell in it.
Heres what a 14500 cell will dor direct drive with an 8mm LED.
Not a flat regulated runtime by any means, but, you wont really notice it drop for the first hour or so, and its sill usable after 5 hours.
My Madmax LS one? eh, the MM doesnt to great off 1 AA.
Plus you have to figure out a lens solution, to protect the LS.
The 8mm led you can install just like the 5mm led is.
LED_ASAP modded my Arc AA with a Lux III. I hesitated to have it done because they aren't being made anymore, but I'm very pleased with the results. It looks completely stock (until you turn it on).
There's also CPFer DJPark, who does some pretty good mods as well. I've seen some of his works, and IIRC he EDCs a 3 mode dimmable Arc AA, or was it an Arc AAA? Anyway, apart from those mentioned above, DJPark's top on my list as well! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm doing this mod aswell and it's really a labor of love to say the least
the components are so tiny and very little room to work with but
doable I know DJ making a few for fellow cpfer's and I think they are
getting their money's worth and more.