Are there HID "rules"?


Oct 11, 2005
Austin Indiana, USA
I understand the 15-30 sec. startup time but someone told me to NOT use an HID for less than a minute... Is there any other rules/concerns or ways of use that I should know that differ from incan before I buy an HID?


Welll, uhhhh, :thinking:

Maybe only: If you want good colorrendering, go for the 4200 K bulbs !!

I have read in a couple of online articles that running the lamp for less than a min. decreases the lamp life somewhat. Perhaps just since theres a lot of current going thru it during warmup. Not all of us have mercury arc lamps like some people I know.... :D
The spot light I just bought from SAMS Club has a 6000 k buulb. Is that better than a 4200 k bulb? What are mercury arc lamps and how do they differ from HID?
Do you have to let the bulb fully cool off before using it again?

The instructions with my HID essentially said that you should give it a 1 minute warm up when cold firing, but after that it was safe to turn it on and off as much as you like as long as it doesn't cool down completely.
The spot light I just bought from SAMS Club has a 6000 k buulb. Is that better than a 4200 k bulb? What are mercury arc lamps and how do they differ from HID?

Wifeless did you ever look at the link I provided for you in two other threads? :thinking:
It has examples of the 6000K AI prototype which is the same as the Sam's and the 4200K Illuminator. If you did look at that link and read the post carefully you would have been able to decide for yourself about the blue tint of the 6000K bulb as opposed to the greener/yellower tint of the 4200K bulb.

I am not going to post the link again since I have already done this twice for you in different threads in this forum.

Regarding your other question, even HID lights that are hot restrikeable should not be turned on and off repeatedly. This will adversly effect bulb and or ballast life? HID's in general do better being turned on and left on while you need them.

Take Care,
mtbkndad :wave:
k mtbkndad. I am slow lerner I didnot see what you posted. I will go now bye to all who dont want me here

It's not that mtbkndad doesn't want you here. He was just saying that you might want to go take a peek at the other threads where you had inquired about color temperature. That way it saves him from locating the info and posting it again. You might consider subscribing to the treads were you have posted questions in. That way they're a little easier to keep track of.

Good luck with the other threads :)
The spot light I just bought from SAMS Club has a 6000 k buulb. Is that better than a 4200 k bulb? What are mercury arc lamps and how do they differ from HID?

4200K, 6000K, 7000K...... The "K" is talking about the color tempature of the light.

Color tempature is just the color of the light....

A low number (3500K) of color tempature will be a warmer more red colored light..

A high number (7000K) of color tempature will be a cooler more blue colored light.

Daylight is somwhere around 5500K...

A candle is somewhere around 1850K (very warm colored and redish)

You can read here for more info

Mercury arc lamps ARE HID..... There just a different type of HID...

There are many types of HID...

mercury vapor, sodium vapor and metal halide....

There all HID just different types...

Hope that helps!
Giving an HID bulb a minute or 2 to fully warm up allows all the Metal Halide salts to fully vaporize (many hundreds of degrees) so that they don't pool and stick to the sides of the bulbs in spots. You can turn them off sooner but its better for the bulb, plus ballasts can only strike an arc so many times before they burn out.