aspherics in parallel

3D black mag

Newly Enlightened
Apr 12, 2009
Hello I am building an aspheric maglite and am wondering what would happen if I put two aspheric lens in series.

And I was also wondering, I bought a 52mm by 18mm aspheric lens from DX but then I saw Kai's 52mm by 25mm aspheric would there be a noticable difference in the two?

3D black mag
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You will have a single bright beam. The aspheric beams are offset from each other a few inches but are still coplanar, so there won't be any angular divergence.

A thicker lens will have a shorter focal length and that results in better light collection.
the X6 ostar uses 2 or 3 lenses -.-'

im about to built a multilens mag aswell