I currently have an Eagletac M2XC4 on its way, and an looking for a few 18650 cells for it. Right now, I have a bunch of these cells that I took from a few laptop battery packs. Most of them are Panasonic cells, and some are wrapped in a red covering, and I have no clue who makes them. I would first like some advice on which cells to use with my new light. I seee a lot of folks like the AW's, but I am looking for something with a bit more capacity than 2200 mAh. I would like at least 2400. I have seen Ultrafires rated at 3000 mah, but was told that figure was misleading. Any advice here?
Also, I have read about protected and unprotected cells. I would imagine these cells I have that were yanked from laptop battery packs are unprotected. I have not had any problems with them so far. I only use lights that take one of them, and from what I can gather, that is safer. The Eagletac uses two, but they are installed in a carrier side by side. I have had two unprotected cells go bad on me. They did not vent or anything, they just one day would no longer charge. These two cells I actually paid money for about a year ago. I think they were made by LG, so I will avoid that brand. I like the fact that these cells I have are made by Panasonic, which is a brand I have trusted for years. Are these cells dangerous in the way I am using them? I charge them in an Ultrafire charger in pairs, and I put the charger in a metal pan while they are charging. I normally do not use the lights they are in until the battery dies. After several uses of the light, I will take the cells out and top them off. Any advice here would be helpful.
Also, I have read about protected and unprotected cells. I would imagine these cells I have that were yanked from laptop battery packs are unprotected. I have not had any problems with them so far. I only use lights that take one of them, and from what I can gather, that is safer. The Eagletac uses two, but they are installed in a carrier side by side. I have had two unprotected cells go bad on me. They did not vent or anything, they just one day would no longer charge. These two cells I actually paid money for about a year ago. I think they were made by LG, so I will avoid that brand. I like the fact that these cells I have are made by Panasonic, which is a brand I have trusted for years. Are these cells dangerous in the way I am using them? I charge them in an Ultrafire charger in pairs, and I put the charger in a metal pan while they are charging. I normally do not use the lights they are in until the battery dies. After several uses of the light, I will take the cells out and top them off. Any advice here would be helpful.