Beamshot party, over 60 images! (including Draco, EL XR-2 and much more)


Sep 28, 2005
I dont think i need to put them all here, they are much better of in my beamshot gallery:

Just to tease, here is the beamshot of the Passaround Draco @ Burst:
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Re: Beamshot party, over 60 images! (including Draco, EL XM-2 and much more)

I never thought I would love a little light like this so much! For an EDC, this wall of light just can't be beat. I can't get past how low. low reall is and how bright burst is in comparison.

Thanks for your Shots!

Re: Beamshot party, over 60 images! (including Draco, EL XM-2 and much more)

good work!
I love my draco as well.
Re: Beamshot party, over 60 images! (including Draco, EL XM-2 and much more)

Draco :rock: I haven't been able to set mine down since I got it...I have been playing with it so much I go through a battery a day :naughty:
Re: Beamshot party, over 60 images! (including Draco, EL XM-2 and much more)

I'm still going through a battery a day, and it has been two weeks!
Re: Beamshot party, over 60 images! (including Draco, EL XM-2 and much more)

Dang, I just bought an Orb Ns and now the Draco comes along... must resist urge to buy another >$100 flashlight....
Re: Beamshot party, over 60 images! (including Draco, EL XM-2 and much more)

Awesome job Erik! :rock:

The approach you take seems to be very consistent with all of the lights in your beamshot databse - a valuable resource for those who are interested in comparing or purchasing lights! :thumbsup:
