Been away for a while, got the itch for a new light...

Knight of Myth

Newly Enlightened
Nov 15, 2006
So it's been about a year since my last flashlight purchase. A Fenix L0D-CE which I love. I also have a SureFire G2 running the P60 and P61 lamps. I love this light equally well and has served as a good incandescent for anything I've ever needed.

So what's all the rage now a days? Are there any more radical breakthroughs in LED technology? What are some of the newer, more efficient models that have proven solid today? I'm looking for something a bit brighter this time. Maybe 150+ lumens LED. I prefer AA/AAA lights, but any battery type is fine provided it's a good light. Thanks in advance for the advice.
NiteCore EX10 / D10, LiteFlux LF5XT are a few of the newest lights that offer a lot of functionality using the latest LEDs.
+1 on all lights mentioned thus far! The TK20 sounds about right tho:
It is 150 lumens, still has a useful long-running low mode and has a warmer tint more like your incan G2. Add to that the fact that it takes AA's and has a forward clicky and it sounds pretty good!

I'd still go for an LED drop-in for your G2 (I hope it's got the Aluminium head?) and the Nitecore D10 is an excellent EDC pocket light. The RA lights are not the brightest lights out there at 120 lumens (the new clickies will have a 170 lumen "burst" mode) but 120 is still really bright and they are among the absolute toughest lights out there right now...............

Have fun deciding!
What are some of the brightest LED lights for a somewhat economical price? like 250+ lumens.

I'm interested in the T series of Fenix lights now though, thanks for the heads up.
If you want the brightest and with good quality wait a couple of months until the Surefire UB2 Invictus comes out. 400 lumens. Uses the SSC-P7 LED.
There is a whole bunch of SSC-P7 lights at DX/KD/QCG/eBay of varying quality. All of them use the 18650 battery. (Hint: they all have 900 lumens printed on the side of the light even though all estimates is between 400-500 actual lumens)
For slightly higher quality than the cheapies, Wolf-eyes and Lumapower have their P7 lights out.
Cree is about to announce their version of the LED called the MCE.

Other trends is using neutral warm white LEDs and zoom lenses for variable focus.
Cree XR-Es, Seoul P4s, and Luxeon Rebel and TFFC K2s are still around an nothing really new has come around. There is the Seoul p7 which is pretty much 4 Seoul P4s in on package and the Cree MC-E is also coming out, pretty much 4 Cree XR-Es in one package. But the MC-E and P7 don't have as much throw in the same reflector as a Seoul P4 or Cree XR-E because of the larger emitting surface. Cree also has a smaller package LED, kinda like the Rebel.

There seems to be a small trend here towards higher CRI and lower Cplor tempreature LEDs.

As for 250+ lumen, at the LED or out the front?

Out the front look at Seoul P7 LED lights.

At the LED look at Cree XR-E Q5, R2s driven at 1 amp or over driven at more.
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To whichever new powerhouse light you get add a Fenix E01 just for grins. A good thing in a small cheap package.

If you want the brightest and with good quality wait a couple of months until the Surefire UB2 Invictus comes out. 400 lumens. Uses the SSC-P7 LED.
There is a whole bunch of SSC-P7 lights at DX/KD/QCG/eBay of varying quality. All of them use the 18650 battery. (Hint: they all have 900 lumens printed on the side of the light even though all estimates is between 400-500 actual lumens)
For slightly higher quality than the cheapies, Wolf-eyes and Lumapower have their P7 lights out.
Cree is about to announce their version of the LED called the MCE.

Other trends is using neutral warm white LEDs and zoom lenses for variable focus.

Very helpful post. You win.
MC-E is also coming out, pretty much 3 Cree XR-Es in one package.


You can always wire up just 3 emitters and ignore the 4th one. :nana::devil:
Beam pattern will be horrible though. :crackup::crackup::crackup:
OK, sounds like you're looking for a bit more than 150 so, other than the SSC P7 lights already mentioned, Jetbeam has some of the brighter single-emitter lights out there right now and many of them will fit in your pocket.

Might be worth checking out..................