been gone a couple years, what have I missed ??


Sep 12, 2007
Georgia, C.S.A.
Hello all, I was a moderately active member here a year or so back, but felt I was pretty well set on lights,got kinda bored,and sorta drifted away. You know how it is. :D
I recently ran into another CPF member over on, and he mentioned that some pretty cool stuff has come out since I last logged on, that I should take a look, he also said something about my wallet possibly hating me for it,though.
Again, you understand.;)
I still have a respectable stable of toys,nothing uber-fancy, but several Surefires, Strealights,Fenix's (Fenices?) etc .So it ain't like I'm stumblin' around in the dark, or anything.
That being said, it may be time to invest in another toy I don't really need. Again, I'm sure you understand. :D
I'm not looking to spend $199, or after the latest Super-Tactical gizmo with 11 settings plus strobe. I'm more of a "simplicity is the hallmark of genius" kinda guy.
Anyway, just wanted to say howdy again, and any suggestions on some of the recent developments I might be interested in would be much appreciated..........M.
i would definitely check out the the new quark lineup at 4sevens, and probably the multi-die/giant surface area LED emitters that have come out the ssc P7 and the cree MC-e and the luminus devics sst-50 and sst-90, a surefire 6P putting out nearly 1000 lumens is possible with some of these setups...but thats really all i have been following
One notable change also is the emergence of Titanium lights. This year, they are becoming more common from different manufactures and the prices have become significantly lower than in the past.
you missed the TK40 from fenix, a fantastic light, and the jewel like creations from Lummi, such as the Wee and the Raw.
Hello all, I was a moderately active member here a year or so back, but felt I was pretty well set on lights,got kinda bored,and sorta drifted away. You know how it is. :D ... Anyway, just wanted to say howdy again, and any suggestions on some of the recent developments I might be interested in would be much appreciated..........M.

Welcome back and Thanks for starting this thread! "I had the same thing happen to me!" :D

I just checked back in here two days ago after a four-and-a-half-year hiatus!! :sleepy:

...Anyway, I'm continuing to watch this thread for any more suggestions of flashlights dernier cri. lovecpf
You are missing the more efficiency leds and new bigger leds:
The efficiency of leds has increased, i.e. longer runtime with same brightness or a brighther light with same runtime. A led called Cree XP-G R5 is the newest and brightest pf these and is going to be used in some lights from 4sevens.
P7/MC-E/SST-50/SST-90 are all a new type of led with multiple emitters or a larger emitter, they have made it possible to go from about 200-250 lumen to 500+ lumen, but at the cost of increased power consumption. There are many lights with these emitters, some are: Fenix TK40, OLight M30, EagleTac M2...
If you like simple, you might want to check out the Nitecore EZ lights. In AA, 123a and cr2...they are very small and light...and not expensive. They can also be had for under $60. Also, the Zebralights are very small and bright.
AW C LION cells no longer available.
AW now sells IMR cells.
AW made a softstarter to fit Surefire tailcaps.
Fivemega kept making stuff. Search B/S/T for threads started by FM to see for yourself.
AlanB / JimmyM - collaborative effort resulted in programmable regulated Incan drivers.
DX and Kai - same as usual.
4 Sevens and EagleTac had a falling out.
LuxLuthor now owns more gold plated lights than any other person on the planet. (Fact unchecked , seems a safe statement to make)
Malkoff website worth a check to see what he has been up to.
Nailbender has become primary source for P60 dropins for many members.
The MC-E LED replaced the P7 as most popular high power LED.
Phatlight now introduced SST-50 and SST-90 LEDS. What is an MC-E?
MrGman has a lightsphere enabling accurate measurements of various lights.
Some WelchAllyn bulbs have been discontinued.

On a sad note , member 3rd_Shift passed away.
I never "knew" him but after reading the story of his illness , I felt I had lost a friend.
The only things that have been a big deal to me are:
-neutral Cree emitters(that IMO instantly obsoleted all other LEDs)
-Malkoff dropins for SFs....with neutral Cree emitters
-Zebralight headlamps....with neutral Cree emitters
-optics producing flood instead of spot-oriented beams
After a couple of years of no real upgrades except some Lumens Factory bulbs, these prompted a buying spree plus trial and error period that started at the beginning of the year, and is just now coming to an end. The small accumulation of user lights I keep is almost entirely new as of that time.
On a sad note , member 3rd_Shift passed away.
I never "knew" him but after reading the story of his illness , I felt I had lost a friend.
Tis very sad indeed. His mother brought some cookies to our recent DFW meet. Nice to see he has not been forgotten here.:thumbsup:

On a flashlight front I have to add that he(OP) probably missed the first LED flashlight that can hang with HIDs. Shameless plug I know, but it is pretty significant I'd say.
Many thanks to all for the replies and useful suggestions. :D
Sorry to hear about 3rd_Shift, I don't recall crossing paths with him, but from y'alls posts about him, he must've been a good guy.
Thanks again for the info, I've already Googled up several of these suggestions.
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