Being a flashaholic can be hazardous!


Flashaholic from Mars
Jun 26, 2010
Australia Earth
Driving my partners ute to work in the dark a few weeks ago we had a very close shave with a kangaroo.

It had been hiding on the side of the road just out of site of the headlights and proceeded to jump right in front of us. Hard on the brakes, ute sideways, tires screaming in agony, girlfriend screaming in fear, I managed to miss it but God only knows how!

Any how as soon as I got the ute and girlfriend under control I said this thing kneads better lights, My girlfriend agreed. So I purchased some new driving lights for my ute and put my old IPF900 55w HID driving lights on my girlfriend's.

Now for the hazards. I had all but completed the wiring and decided to treat myself to a beer or two, then picked up my new pneumatic drill to drill the 1/2 inch hole for the switch, well the drill slipped and I put a hole in something I had not intended.

It's amazing how much quicker a drill bites trough human skin and flesh than it does plastic or metal!

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You should've warned there were images for sensitive people with weak hearts :D :D

I'm glad you're okay and the only damage was done by the drill.

Get well soon : )
No it didn't go all the way trough, I was lucky! And no I didn't see a doctor, my girlfriend wanted to take me to the hospital but the thought of sitting in the emergency room an a Friday night made me feel sick!

So I just bandaged it up sat down for a minute to think about things for a bit then got up and finished the wiring, then I packed up my tools including the offending drill and took the ute for a test drive/ light alignment.

I should ad that it is a manual ute. Gear changes are a little uncomfortable to say the least. I was driving it in Melbourne most of the day today, 4 days later it still bothers me a little.

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As long as you didn't spill your beer <insert Aussie stereotype smiley here>
Just to add insult to injury - the most "strayan" emoticon I could find:

XXXX beer is generally consumed in the north eastern parts of Australia. Although I have had a few slabs of XXXX GOLD at times.

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XXXX is brewed in Brisbane. When the floods happened there a year or so ago, there was a sewerage leak upstream of the brewery.

It improved the taste of the beer significantly.
Yea Fosters is not that popular in Australia even XXXX probably beats it. My personal favorites are Fat Yack and Bees Knees both made under the Matilda bay brand which unfortunately was brought out by the Fosters group, Carlton united breweries.

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Yea Fosters is not that popular in Australia even XXXX probably beats it. My personal favorites are Fat Yack and Bees Knees both made under the Matilda bay brand which unfortunately was brought out by the Fosters group, Carlton united breweries.

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There's also a Hefeweizen by them called Big Helga - which I like a lot.
I'd suggest treating that wound with alcohol to avoid infection, but I'm guessing that in Australia, that's considered wasting it.
i tried fosters few times, can't say i like it either, nasty stuff. now i see you guys keep the best stuff for yourself, and wont share with the world, lol.