best games


Newly Enlightened
Nov 9, 2008
I was wondering what your fav games are for any platform in these catagories CLASSIC 1st gen - 5th gen NEW CONSOLES 6th gen -7th gen or xbox, xbox 360, gamecube, wii, ps2 and ps3 and PC GAMES title says it all. Here are mine:

CLASSIC: Would have to be the Mario series on NES and SNES
NEW CONSOLES: Hard but it came down to gta series on ps2 and saints row 2
PC GAMES: Would be Far Cry and Counter Strike Source

:wave: Would love to hear all your fav games:wave:
My fave original NES games were a couple of rare titles; one is Solar Jetman, a remarkably big space shooter/adventure game that has the most amazing physics ever for an NES cart, and the other is Snake Rattle N' Roll, a 3D arcade/adventure game that's one part QBert and one part Marble Madness.

I got into PC games not long after I got my NES, way back when they were considered a novelty and there would just be one tiny shelf of PC games at your local game store. The first PC game I ever bought was SimCity, which I played extensively on an 8088 "IBM/PC Clone" with an amberchrome monitor. That was so long ago that you can now play the same game for free online:

Thus far, my fave PC games would be the Grand Theft Auto series (which I would also nominate as one of the top ten video game titles ever), and the Unreal Tournament series - if you want to play a game that will make all other shooters seem slow, and give you the reflexes to completely dominate them, play any of the recent Unreal games for a while.
PC games: the Mechwarrior series (MW2, MW3, MW4 and their expansion packs & Mercenaries variants). mechBgon is a play on Ortho's WeedBGon herbicide.

I also enjoyed the Half-Life / Half-Life 2 series and FarCry. I tried the Crysis single-player demo and it's completely beyond what my old vanilla nVidia 6600 video card can handle, unfortunately... time for an upgrade.

Another all-time favorite, was the Descent series, particularly Descent II on a Voodoo2. A true 3D game... six degrees of freedom. Which way is up? Does it matter? I'm just going to blow the place up anyway... AIEEE, DA** YOU THIEFBOT, GIVE THAT BACK! :mad:
classic? pong on the atari 2600 jr :crackup:

console is saints row 2 on xbox 360 :devil:

pc game is counter strike if my internet is working at full speed (wich isnt at most times:shakehead)
hard to say, but i can tell you my best game MOMENT....

it was back in...two thousand (something) when doom 3 was first released.

that scene at the beginning, when you step out of the lift, and see that industrial ramp, and the florescent lamp on the ceiling casting a moving shadow of the railing onto a photorealistic floor...priceless!

keep in mind that we take photorealistic textures for granted these days...

Classic PC games for Flashaholics:

Zork 1

Alone in the Dark

First Gen: There was a home built beta version of the asteroids game in the Stanford cafeteria (IIRC) that was an eye opener at the time.

PC Games: I started with Wolfenstein on a 486dx33. Lately I've been stuck on Unreal Tournament (orig) playing a level I like in botmatch with the violence and speed cranked up. I've tried other games, but go back to UT for a good workout. I like the graphics level they used. It does the job without being overly cluttered. Love the "body parts" bouncing around. When I need a break, I usually go to Descent III for the combat 360 environment. The original Descent with the 3dFX mod was amazing.

New Consoles: Don't own one, but that may change if I ever get a new TV. Unending issues with video cards gets old after awhile.
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PC Games: I started with Wolfenstein on a 486dx33. Lately I've been stuck on Unreal Tournament (orig) playing a level I like in botmatch with the violence and speed cranked up. I've tried other games, but go back to UT for a good workout. I like the graphics level they used. It does the job without being overly cluttered. Love the "body parts" bouncing around. When I need a break, I usually go to Descent III for the combat 360 environment. The original Descent with the 3dFX mod was amazing.

I still play thins on my Dreamcast. Its old, and many of you laugh but I still find it enjoyable (shrugs).
keep in mind that we take photorealistic textures for granted these days...

Lighting effects in current games are insane. See how many different lighting types you can find in this one *actual in-game screenshot* from Unreal Tournament III..


I still play thins on my Dreamcast.

The Dreamcast was so ahead of it's time, it was really something to get to play it when it first came out. I stood in line at midnight on its release day, totally worth it :thumbsup:
I will admit the Dreamcast was amazing at the time. I fell in love wit it.

I loved Crazy Taxi, V-Rally 2.

As soon as the PS2 came out I was totally in ore of GTA 3.:drool:

Current Gen consoles just don't do it for me like the older consoles, PS2, 64 etc...
Cool post!

Way too hard to just pick one...

Classic: contra on nes or sonic on genesis

New: metal gear solid (that battle with psycho mantis where he reads your memory card - I still remember the first time I played that!!!), resident evil, rez or castlevania symphony of the night on PS2

PC: the seventh guest, doom or myst - I guess I just love to reminisce :rolleyes:
all time favorites (single player):
Final fantasy 7 ps1 or pc
deus ex pc
Zelda: ocarina of time N64
honorable mention goldeneye 007 N64

all time favorites (multiplayer)
age of empires 2 pc
halo3 xbox360
counterstrike pc
honorable mention starcraft pc

games that didnt make it but were ridiculously fun anyway
mission thuderbolt, supersmash brothers, starwars knights of the old republic, grand theft auto, god of war, diablo2, civilization 3

I spent my childhood playing video games :D
I only play PC games, really, so I'll give my breakdown:

1. Strategy: Total War Series (Medieval is still the best, but Rome is good too).
2. Action: Max Payne/Max Payne 2 (if you've ever wanted to be IMMERSED in a graphic novel...). Kudos to the KungFu Mod people...
3. First Person Shooter (single-player): this is a tough one... it's somewhere between the Call Of Duty Series (1,2,4)... and Crysis.
4. First Person Shooter (multi-player): Counter-Strike, without a doubt... with Call Of Duty (original), a close second.
4. Role-playing: Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, without a doubt... Oblivion was good, but not as good as Morrowind.

P.S. Just had to upgrade AGAIN to play the recent games... PC gaming is unfortunately a VERY expensive hobby ($300-350/year on average... for upgrades of various sorts).