Bi-pin bulbs positioning problem...


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2007
I all,

I'd like to know how do you put your bi-pin bulbs in the bulb socket...
this because I have always some problems with my mag85...I use wa1185 and wa1306 and sometimes I have to change the bulb (becouse I need more runtime or power) and I sepent about 15-20 min trying to centre the bulb in the reflector hole....this to have a good beam. using 2,5" vlop throwmaster head the beam is ugly is you don't centre the lamp inside...

anyone had some tools to do it faster?

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Here's how I do it with my Mags:

With the bulb seated, and with the bezel off, I push down on the reflector until it sits all the way down. Using a pencil eraser I gently nudge the bulb around until it looks centered in the reflector opening.

Good luck.
Even when that bulb is centered in a VLOP the beam isn't all that I'm sure that you know.

I use the same method as Gunner except I use a small rubber wedge. I like the idea of the pencil eraser though as it seems more precise.
Even when that bulb is centered in a VLOP the beam isn't all that I'm sure that you know.

yeah I know but if the bulb isn't centred you'll get a balck shadow in the middle of the beam...:(

thnks for your suggestion I'll try with a pencil the next time...