Originally posted by rlhess:
Will the first person who gets an A2 please confirm that the LEDs work with the main lamp burned out. (I would think you could simulate that with electrical tape in the correct places...or removed...but make sure that removing the lamp doesn't close a switch someplace.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Richard, for what it's worth, the first time I saw the A2, the incandescent LA was missing completely and the LED's worked fine.
I find the price steep myself but don't doubt some of the rationale for it being where it is. Another problem with pricing in general that bears some consideration on all of the flashlights is the country of manufacture. We live and function in a golbal economy and yet at times we berate ourselves for not buying products made in USA. For better or worse (I keep my opinions to myself here) SureFire is made in the USA. To compare it's pricing with pricing of lights from offshore is not going to show SF as a bargain. As FC so clearly put it, don't like it, don't buy it. This is one of the features of a free enterprise.
If trends continue, someday little will be manufactured here. At that point, we won't have to worry about patent infringements, cost of R&D, high wages and labor burdon of factory employees, liability insurance and all those other costs of manufacture. Maybe we can just wait for some offshore company to design and create product and then we can take the easy path of coping their product. Perhaps we then will be at the low end of the international labor scale and new cottage industries of labor pools will be developing here for those Americans not suited as part of the service industries that have survived.
My 2 cents on the A2 and SF in general: I think the engineering and design as well as material selection and execution is unsurpassed by no other company; not even close.
Regarding the sales and marketing practices as well as pricing, I think some folks at SF have their craniums even further up their poop shoots than I do and I readily admit that I suffer from "limited" visability! Maybe that's why I like flashlights
- Don