Boycott the A2!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 24, 2002
Nor Cal
All of the SureFires that I have looked at seemed way overpriced to me.. - Which is why I don't own ANY SureFire products.

At the same time I certainly don't begrudge SF for pricing their lights for as much as they think they can get for them. The fact that SF lights are so pricey is what makes my mods look like such a great bargain!! I took a briefcase of my mods to a local SF dealer, and let him play. He was completely blown away by the comparisons he made and is trying to talk me into letting him distributing my lights.

In any event, I'm convinced that it's the high cost of SF's that allows me to sell my mods for a premium price. SF is my best friend!


Nov 17, 2001
I think this thread is getting kinda heavy? I like to think that if some one is prepared to pay a price for a product, any product, then let them!

Market forces will come to dominate on this product like any other, ie if it's over priced then SF will not sell enough of them and will either drop the price or discontinue the line.

What one person is prepared to pay is not a problem to me but the principle of someone, anyone, trying to persuade me not to buy a product or boycott it because it is too expensive is.

At the end of the day when I look at folks who are lucky enough to have foreign holidays twice a year and afford two homes I can either feel jealous or I can think good for them! Me I'd rather think good for them and if they can afford the A2 at SF's prices again I say good for them!



Jun 13, 2002
Austin, TX
Originally posted by gtdistributorsaustin:
We (GT Distributors) do not currently have any in stock and (as Surefire) will not be able to ship them until after Febuary, but we will sell them for $199.95 shipping included to any where in the continental US. I realize this is not the $160 you are looking for, but I hope it helps out some since it is lower and we are able to cover the shipping. If you would like to place an order for one, please feel free to contact our sales department at 800-252-8310.
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Hey! What happened to our manners? Welcome GT Distributors!

They are the local surefire dealer here in Austin, and they're prices and service are first rate. Bought an M4 from them recently, and spent hours there talking about lights and playing with the toys. During the course of the conversation, I found out that they had never heard about CPF!

I just ordered a couple A2s through GT Distributors. Maybe with all this kissing up, they'll give me a good price.
The way I see it, with all the griping, A2s should be a whole lot easier to get than LSs. And I view that as a positive.