Calipers and Micrometer


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 19, 2004
I'm not a machinist but would like a recommendation on a decent pair of calipers (inside and outside) and micrometer. :confused: Folks have asked what I want for being such a good boy and I will need to put an addition on the house if I suggest any flashlights!! :ohgeez: If at all possible, I'd like to go with quality products made in the USA. If you'd care to give me a source as well, I'd be appreciative. Thanks.

I have both Mitotoyo (Japanese) and Starrett (I think USA)
The funny thing is I also have a set of 6" Chinese $19.00 digital calipers..... They read pretty good!

I'm not a machinist but would like a recommendation on a decent pair of calipers (inside and outside) and micrometer. :confused: Folks have asked what I want for being such a good boy and I will need to put an addition on the house if I suggest any flashlights!! :ohgeez: If at all possible, I'd like to go with quality products made in the USA. If you'd care to give me a source as well, I'd be appreciative. Thanks.


It's hard to find anything quality tools still made in the USA. Even good American names are having stuff made overseas.

However, if you want a recommendation, these don't look too bad.

Personally, I have Mitutoyo calipers and micrometers and find them pretty solid and worth the money, but there are, indeed, cheaper tools out there that will more than suffice for what you will be doing with them. :devil:
I use and recommend Mititoyo. The Japanese stuff is very high quality and as long as its made in Japan, you can buy with confidence.
It's funny, but I have a 1-2-3" set of Mititoyo digital micrometers I bought back in the '70's which can resolve .0001" if you have standards you can trust. The 6" and 8" Mitutoyo Dial calipers are primary tools a lot of the time.

I also have a couple $15 Harbor Freight 4" dial calipers (China), one at work and the other at home. They see far more actual usage!!!!!!!! I've had them a few years, decent stainless, (no rust) and they check fine with a jo block! (high accuracy standard.)

(I won't own a plastic or digital caliper! :D )

That set Photon linked to seems to be a pretty good deal. I'm not familiar with any of those models included in the set, but Browne & Sharp makes good stuff!

Personally, my preference of calipers is a Browne and Sharp dial calipers (not the ones in that set...).
Mitutoyo makes nice mics, which I've used extensively, but can't speak for other brands due to lack of experience with them.
I own a Starrett 797B, which on their website is advertised as being "American Made", however :thinking: on the back of the actual calipers, it says "Assembled in America"... :thumbsdow :rolleyes: I'm thinkin' if it was actually MADE in the USA, they'd use that phrase. I wouldn't have bought it in the first place if I knew it was only assembled in USA. Can you say "false advertising"?

Here's what the FTC has to say:
Assembled in USA Claims
A product that includes foreign components may be called "Assembled in USA" without qualification when its principal assembly takes place in the U.S. and the assembly is substantial. For the "assembly" claim to be valid, the product's last "substantial transformation" also should have occurred in the U.S. That's why a "screwdriver" assembly in the U.S. of foreign components into a final product at the end of the manufacturing process doesn't usually qualify for the "Assembled in USA" claim.
Made in USA
For a product to be called Made in USA, or claimed to be of domestic origin without qualifications or limits on the claim, the product must be "all or virtually all" made in the U.S.

"All or virtually all" means that all significant parts and processing that go into the product must be of U.S. origin. That is, the product should contain no — or negligible — foreign content.

So either their website is misleading by saying it's American Made (Made in USA), or the product is misleading and only saying it's assembled in USA. :thinking: :crazy:

All that said and out of the way :shrug:, it's a nice quality calipers. :thumbsup:

:wave: john
I have a Mitutoyo calipers and micrometers. They are fantastic. If you want to spend a little less, take a look at SPI. Ive had pretty good experience with them and they are pretty affordable.
I've owned Brown & Sharpe, Mitutoyo, Starrett and SPI calipers over the years and they have all been fine. I'm not confident that anything is really made in the USA anymore. SPI is definitely less expensive than the rest, and they were great until they hit the concrete floor. I'd recommend dial calipers instead of digital though. My IP67 digital Mitutoyos didn't do so well when they got dirty, but dial calipers are dead reliable. Any good quality mics will be fine as long as you treat them properly. If you really want some nice tools, call around to the machine shops and see if they know of any retired machinists who want to sell their tools. I scored some of the best quality tools I have like that.
Harbor Freight

I bought the Digital stainless 6" years ago. I now have a Mitutoyo and it's no better.

I've seen the same caliper I paid $20 for elsewhere for $75-$100

Unless you need it to be NIST traceable get a Harborfreight model
Thanks for the ongoing great information! It is much appreciated I can assure you.

Please, as well, don't get me wrong about my desire to have tools "Made in USA". I'm not against Global economies or marketing or production however, when possible, I'd much prefer to see my Countrymen/women provided some more of the stabilty which has been lost over the years. I appreciate some of the more in-depth technical definitions which which John (jch79) researched. I am not unaware either of the fact that some (all?) of the lights which I purchase may not be made in the USA but again, if at all possible that is my preference.

I opened some toolbox drawers and snapped a pic. I've misplaced my 1" Mitutoyo digital mike and 6" dial caliper which I've had for ~30 years. (They're here somewhere.) This is just some of it, and I'm not a machinist. There's Mitutoyo, Starrett, Brown and Sharp, and "China" represented. I'll say again that that little 4" Harbor Freight, $15 dial caliper actually gets the most use! I have gage pins from 1/16" to 3/4" x .001" and mike standards to check the tools. I trust that $15 puppy to better than .001"!

If you purchase the Import digitals be sure to by extra real battery's. The battery's die from just sitting there.

I have Mitutoyo's and love them. Though I just picked up a set of the 4" and don't like them:(
