Can I use 3X17670 run N62 ?


May 30, 2004
Hong Kong, China
I tried 2x17670 unprotected to run N62, it works. but it doesn't works if using Protected 2x17670. I would like to know is N62 possible work (safety,healthy)by 3x17670 ?

I also read mdocod's incan. guide which mentioned MN60/61 can use 3x17670/18650 but decreasing lamp life.... is N62 the same ?

don't think the N62 is going to survive a 3xli-ion configuration. It's a ~3.7A draw and designed to sag a set of lithium primaries down to around 2V or less per cell, design voltage is probably somewhere around 7.5-8V. Even into that load, you could expect about 10V or more from a stack of 3xli-ion, almost guaranteed to flash that lamp if you ask me.

and considering the drain rate, you really shouldn't use anything smaller than 18650s on the N62....

Here's a though though... what about an M6 loaded with LiFeP04 cells driving an N62.... MIGHT work.
don't think the N62 is going to survive a 3xli-ion configuration. It's a ~3.7A draw and designed to sag a set of lithium primaries down to around 2V or less per cell, design voltage is probably somewhere around 7.5-8V. Even into that load, you could expect about 10V or more from a stack of 3xli-ion, almost guaranteed to flash that lamp if you ask me.

and considering the drain rate, you really shouldn't use anything smaller than 18650s on the N62....

Here's a though though... what about an M6 loaded with LiFeP04 cells driving an N62.... MIGHT work.

Thanks your suggestion

so.. the N62 can powered by AW 2x18650 (protected?) and running safety ( except brightness ) ?

As for LiFeP04 cells, it is 3.2V nominal vol. will the batteries reduce bulb life ?
so.. the N62 can powered by AW 2x18650 (protected?) and running safety ( except brightness ) ?
technically yes, but since 2xli-ion doesn't drive it hard enough to be great, I'd suggest just using a MN16, or pick up a 6V bi-pin ~20W medical lamp (100 hour life rating at 6V) and drop it in a bi-pin M series assembly, I can never remember which hobbiest manufacture in the marketplace makes em, but that would be the best way to get a bulb that is brighter than the MN16 but not so power hungary (like the MN21) that you are forced into using unprotected cells. Something like
Osram Lamp 54261 (ESB) (6V 20W 100hr)
Philips Lamp 25678-4 (ESB) (6V 20W 100hr)
Ushio Lamp 1000532 (ESB) (6V 20W 100hr)

that way you can blow up cheap easy to get bulbs, rather than rare old SF lamps.

As for LiFeP04 cells, it is 3.2V nominal vol. will the batteries reduce bulb life ?
As far as I know, it's never been tried or tested in any way, I'm just guessing that it might work, as I understand it, the N62 is a rare things these days so it would have to be one very dedicated experimenter to give it a try, LiFeP04 cells are approximately in the 3.2V range.... I think fresh off a charger they are something like 3.5 or 3.6V or something, not super sure though.
... bi-pin M series assembly, I can never remember which hobbiest manufacture in the marketplace makes em.
See Fivemega bi-pin sockets for MN LAs. For the bulbs, see Litho123's bi-pin hotwire bulb thread.

You can run a WA1111 with 2x18650 - brighter than an MN21.

Edit: re-reading this, I see I have strayed off-topic - sorry. You were asking about bulbs for 3x17670. With 3x17670 and the MN bi-pin assy, you could run a WA1185 - very bright (but at >2C pretty tough on the 17670s). 3x18650 would be better.
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technically yes, but since 2xli-ion doesn't drive it hard enough to be great, I'd suggest just using a MN16, or pick up a 6V bi-pin ~20W medical lamp (100 hour life rating at 6V) and drop it in a bi-pin M series assembly, I can never remember which hobbiest manufacture in the marketplace makes em, but that would be the best way to get a bulb that is brighter than the MN16 but not so power hungary (like the MN21) that you are forced into using unprotected cells. Something like
Osram Lamp 54261 (ESB) (6V 20W 100hr)
Philips Lamp 25678-4 (ESB) (6V 20W 100hr)
Ushio Lamp 1000532 (ESB) (6V 20W 100hr)

that way you can blow up cheap easy to get bulbs, rather than rare old SF lamps.

ya.. I heard some SF M users play bi-pin bulb, likes 1185,1111..etc; above you mentioned 6V bulbs, are they not hotter than N62,MN16/15 in running?

in fact, N62 maybe a part of my rare SF collection more.., but I would like to use turbohead continuously (even if it's plastic lens ) and want to need more bulb life, so what bulb settings you recommend for the my situation below :

1. 2x17670 + SRTH ( 6V 20W ? )
2. 3x17670 + 3"T head ( 1185/1111 ok? ) <-- is it quite heat for plastic lens ?

cenz, we posted about the same time, so you may not have seen mine (#5).

Which turbo-head are you using? All the SF ones have pyrex lenses (tough glass) AFAIK, so you wouldn't have heat problems.

Bare bi-pin bulbs are much cheaper than MN LAs, less than $10.
cenz, we posted about the same time, so you may not have seen mine (#5).

Which turbo-head are you using? All the SF ones have pyrex lenses (tough glass) AFAIK, so you wouldn't have heat problems.

Bare bi-pin bulbs are much cheaper than MN LAs, less than $10.

I'm a old SF user, using 3"Turbohead with Lexan lens, SRTH's lens is the same.
My guess is that you will be OK with it, but I don't know for sure. The best person to ask would be Size15s - you could PM him.

Welcome to CPF, BTW!