Cheap/Easy 2D M@g Mod


Feb 26, 2007
South Mississippi
The addiction is starting to grow. I am getting interested in playing with a mod on my 2d mag. I am looking for something cheap and easy with heavy emphasis on easy. Remember when you reply that I am a newbie. Please type slowly and use little words. And for Gods sake please go easy on the acronyms.
Yeah, I would do a 6 or 7 NiMH AA, via FM adapter, ROP with LOP or MOP cammed reflector and AR or Borofloat lens. Add to that the low resistance switch and tail spring mod if you choose the 6 cell version :grin2:

Serioulsly, the "Roar Of Pelican" mod running either 6 cells for reliability, or 7 cells for "wow", and a "Low Orange Peel" or "Medium Orange Peel" reflector with the Low giving better throw and Medium giving a better beam and a little less throw.

See this for the recipe:

Good luck and let us know how we can help!
Another option if you want LED (I know this is the incandescent section :)), is to try the latest TerraLUX drop-in, see here.. That along with an AA to D adaptor such as 2x 3AA to 1D adaptors, see here #16 on the list, yielding 6AA's in a 2D Mag.

You'll end up with a 2D Mag with 6AA batteries, whether Energizer Lithiums or NiMH rechargeables or even alkalines, along with the SSC P4 LED drop-in. Pretty bright and very easy.

You can also go with a Borofloat or UCL (Ultra Clear Lens) glass lens to replace the plastic Mag lens, the lenses can be found at LightHound.

The above is what I have and is pretty easy.:)
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Katdaddy said:
What is difference between cammed vs not cammed reflector???
I believe the cammed version let's you utilize Mag's focusing feature, whereas without it, the focusing feature is unavailable.. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, fellow Flashaholics.. :)
If you get a couple of the 3AA to 1D adapters, you could run a MagLite xenon bulb for 6 cell lights. Bulb only costs about $4 and you will get a lot more light.
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BMRSEB said:
That along with an AA to D adaptor such as 2x 3AA to 1D adaptors, see here #16 on the list, yielding 6AA's in a 2D Mag.

BMRSEB, have you tried those AA to D-adaptors? I'm considering to use them in a ROP. Do you know if they are good for that?
Thanks and regards.
Lobo said:
BMRSEB, have you tried those AA to D-adaptors? I'm considering to use them in a ROP. Do you know if they are good for that?
Thanks and regards.
See post #3.:grin2: As fas an ROP I have no experience, but don't see why that battery configuration wouldn't work?..
BMRSEB said:
See post #3.:grin2: As fas an ROP I have no experience, but don't see why that battery configuration wouldn't work?..

Well, I have no idea either why they shouldnt work. :grin2: Just heard that it can be finicky to chose parts for the ROP. But I'll give it a try!
my recommendation is as follows:
get 2 3AA>1D adapters (just basic ones, nothing fancy, spend a few dollars here)... if you want to get fancy beef up the contact points in the battery carrier with some solder... do the switch mod or part of it to keep things simple, or just don't worry about it for now, and try it later to see the difference...

get 6 NIMH AAs, head on down to radio-shack, and maybe swing by a few hardware stores, pick up a bunch of bulbs to play with. 6V bulbs are usually about right, anything rated for 5-6 cells is worth a try, some bulbs rated for 4 cell alkaline setups will actually survive 6 rested NIMHs pretty well. The king of simple low-power PR bulbs on this setup is a mag 5 cell xenon, which might require letting the cells rest a bit to avoid instaflash, but it's a rocking bright bulb that throws like crazy in a smooth reflector...

The reason I recommend this, is it gives you a chance to play. You get to experiment with different bulbs and see what performs and what doesn't, what blows up and what survives... Then when you want MORE light, mod the switch, buy an aluminum reflector and a glass lens and go with the ROP setup, or get a KIU socket and play with bi-pin halogens.
Get yourself a couple of Protected 18650 Li-Ions (I use unprotected myself) to drive a ROP HI, or even something like the above mentioned 5-6 cell bulbs that you can run in a stock reflector.

The Li-Ions stay charged WAY longer than NimH!!!
You don't have to do a ROP (Roar of Pelican) mod. As mdocod suggested, a 5 cell bulb (maglite's xenon bulb is good) with two 3AA to D adapters BMRSEB mentioned (7.2 volts from 6 rechargeable cells) would be sufficient. You wouldn't need a borofloat lens and any aluminum reflectors since the heat produced isn't too much for the stock maglite parts to handle.

Cammed reflectors are used for ROP mods since it allows the light to be focused. Camless reflectors are used with something called a Kiu kit. Camless reflectors cannot be used in a ROP but cammed relfectors can be used with the Kiu kit. The cam is the little cylinder thingy attached/sticking out of the bottom of a maglite reflector.
It is entirely possible to use an un-cammed reflector in any old M*glite...

You just have to lock the pedestal down. I don't have time to look for it but there was a NICE picture heavy thread about modding the pedestal!

I have a few lights with 6aa NimH driving 4 cell Krypton and one with 8aa driving a 6 cell Krypton.

Though if I'm going to USE an incandescent light my M*gcharger 60 is much more likely to get used than any of my other "hotwires".

The 2x18650 ROP 2D is less labor intensive than ANY of the NimH hotwires!!! WAY less charging needed!
PlayboyJoeShmoe said:
The 2x18650 ROP 2D is less labor intensive than ANY of the NimH hotwires!!! WAY less charging needed!

Can't believe I missed that option. :)

Are you saying that 2x18650 will fit in a 2D Mag without modification lengthwise? How do you prevent rattle? Does just some rolled paper suffice?

I guess the runtimes on 2x18650 ROP 2D is improved over the 6xAA NiMH ROP 2D? Anyone know the runtime for either?

And how high quality 18650 do you need, or to they need to be protected to work well in a ROP? ATM I'm no man of means so I would get some cheap 18650s and charger from dealextreme or kaidomain.
yes, I think you can simply use a 6AA>2D adapter with 6NiMH, standard reflector and lens with 6D or 5D xenon bulb....
this mod might be a good point from you can start with more difficult mod
good luck for your mod!!:)
I don't know about NimH vs. Li-Ion runtime as again when I use an incandescent light it tends to be a M*gcharger.

Protected is best from a casual user standpoint. I take enough care that I am confident using un-protected. But Protected will not let you over charge or more importantly over DIScharge....

If you are willing to learn and follow the rules, un-protected will do the job.

And I imagine runtime on a 5 or 6 cell Krypton bulb would be pretty darn good on two 18650, but I've never tried it.

All I know for certain is that all my hotrod lights are atop a cabinet to my left. It is not impossible that any one I pick up will be dead (NimH), EXCEPT the ROP!!! (Li-Ion)
mdocod said:
my recommendation is as follows:
get 2 3AA>1D adapters (just basic ones, nothing fancy, spend a few dollars here)... if you want to get fancy beef up the contact points in the battery carrier with some solder... do the switch mod or part of it to keep things simple, or just don't worry about it for now, and try it later to see the difference...

get 6 NIMH AAs, head on down to radio-shack, and maybe swing by a few hardware stores, pick up a bunch of bulbs to play with. 6V bulbs are usually about right, anything rated for 5-6 cells is worth a try, some bulbs rated for 4 cell alkaline setups will actually survive 6 rested NIMHs pretty well. The king of simple low-power PR bulbs on this setup is a mag 5 cell xenon, which might require letting the cells rest a bit to avoid instaflash, but it's a rocking bright bulb that throws like crazy in a smooth reflector...

The reason I recommend this, is it gives you a chance to play. You get to experiment with different bulbs and see what performs and what doesn't, what blows up and what survives... Then when you want MORE light, mod the switch, buy an aluminum reflector and a glass lens and go with the ROP setup, or get a KIU socket and play with bi-pin halogens.

Still showing my newbieness. Please elaborate on the switch mod and explain rested NIMH's.

Can someone explain why 2x18650 would have longer runtime than 6xNiMH (as both have typically 2000mAh)?

Is this because the 18650 can provide high current for longer, rather than raw capacity?

I understand the less cells to charge, and no/low self discharge of the 18650, but not the runtime benefits?

PlayboyJoeShmoe said:
And I imagine runtime on a 5 or 6 cell Krypton bulb would be pretty darn good on two 18650, but I've never tried it.

All I know for certain is that all my hotrod lights are atop a cabinet to my left. It is not impossible that any one I pick up will be dead (NimH), EXCEPT the ROP!!! (Li-Ion)

I'm getting more and more tempted to try this out. Just a couple of additional questions.

1. Does 2 18650 fit the 2D Mag without any further modification, spring etc. All you have to do is rap it up so it doesnt rattle?

2. When it comes to unprotected 18650 and over discharging. When do you know when the batteries are low. Do you time it, or can you just go by the brightness of the light, and just switch if off immediately when it goes out?


I reckon it was me who blurted out that the 18650 should have longer runtime, I dont have any facts at all to base that claim, it was just a question. Sorry for that.

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