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Sold/Expired ** CLOSED ** Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors


Oct 13, 2003
Chicago Suburbia, IL

P7 mods? Osram bulb mods? 5761 mods?
Take advantage of this.

This is a prepay for another run of Custom Reamed camless reflectors which ends the morning of January 20th. I'll be teaming up with cmacclel again who will do the reaming for this project ...

Custom Reamed reflectors
The standard .377" reflector hole can be enlarged to
0.450" for Phillips 5761 sized bulbs @ 21.00 ea.
0.550" for Osram T4 sized bulbs.@ 21.50 ea.
0.650" for LED type projects @ 22.00 ea.

Pick any of the reflector coatings #1 - #7. All are in hand. These are replacement aluminum reflectors for C / D Maglites.

Finishes to choose from:
#1 - Smooth
#2 - Light Orange Peel
#3 - Medium Orange Peel
#4 - Heavy Orange Peel
#5 - Light Stipple
#6 - Medium Stipple
#7 - Heavy Stipple

Shipping will be FREE with your purchase of 5 or more reflectors
If you want less than 5 reflectors, shipping will be $5.50

Either Priority Shipping with Delivery Confirmation (USA) or the least expensive shipping to International folks.

Please post in this thread AND the paypal notes field something like this:

(2) #6 MS w/ 0.450" hole @ 21.00
(1) #4 HOP w/ 0.550" hole @ 21.50
(1) #1 SMO w/ 0.650" hole @ 22.00
Shipping 5.50
Paypal sent for 91.00

= = = = = = =

Paypal to ** CLOSED **

= = = = = = =


I'll collect prepayment orders for two weeks ... thru end of day January 18th.
The reflectors will be sent to cmacclel the week of the 19th.
Chris should have them back inside of 2 weeks and I'll pack them up for shipping to you.

If you want to add bulbs, that's fine too.

If you have any questions, please let me know.
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Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

I will not miss this run. I just need to figure out what finishes and holes sizes I want/ need.

I was lucky enough to get a couple that litho had left over. If you need a special finish aluminum reflector, I would get in on this deal. You will be sad if you do not, these reflectors are flawless. The coating finish and reaming job are perfect. I really like how the #6 MS makes my Malkoff Mag drop-ins look. They really clean up the beam.
Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

I have a .650" HOP for my P7-Mag, and this reflector focused perfectly when mounted flush against the DHS heatsink. The reflector has a fairly large flat surface wich bottoms out against the top side of the heatsink, wich in turns makes the reflector act as a part of the heatsink, pulling heat away from the LED up through the reflector.
The .65 hole is also perfect for wiring clearance when using the DHS heatsink, and finish is much better than anything else I have tried for a Mag. I recommend these for anyone building a custom Mag!

Showing the flat surface that mates to the top of the heatsink at optimum focuspoint for P7.


Clearance for wiring is perfect, and finish is flawless!!:twothumbs

Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

Is the parabola of your reflector similar to that of a Carley # 1940, or does it lean more towards a standard Mag reflector parabola?
Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

(1)#4 HOP w/ 0.650" hole @ $22.00
Shipping $5.50
Total Paypal Sent For=$27.50
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Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

I would like 6 - .650 Reflectors for LED
2 # 1 smooth
2 #2 LOP
2 #5 LS

6@22 free ship= 132 :paypal:
Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

Is the parabola of your reflector similar to that of a Carley # 1940, or does it lean more towards a standard Mag reflector parabola?

This reflector is a modified design of the stock Carley 1940, so the parabola is the same. This reflector has been modified to be a drop-in fit into a mag C/D head to eliminate the PITA hand fitting that modders used to do several years ago.

In addition, now with the choice of ream size, one can now tailor it to a particular use.
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Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

Hi Greg,

I would like 5 - .650 Reflectors for LED

1x #2 - Light Orange Peel
1x #3 - Medium Orange Peel
1x #5 - Light Stipple
2x #6 - Medium Stipple

Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

dont forget me!


1x LOP
1x MOP


i will paypal when i decide which bulbs i want
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Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

(1) #3 MOP w/ 0.650" hole @ 22.00
(1) #6 MS w/ 0.650" hole @ 22.00
Shipping $5.50

Paypal sent for $49.50

Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

Before I place my order, which size is best for a 1331 type and a 64623 type bulb? Will one size work for both?

Ok, this is what I think I need.

(1) .650 #1
(1) .650 #5
(1) .550 #1
(1) .550 #6
(1) .450 #5

$108 :paypal:

litho, PM sent.

I also need to order some bulbs as well and have a couple questions about the reflector hole sizes.
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Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

I see deadline has passed. Are orders still being taken?

Hi sunshine57 -

You can send me an order until I post a closed to this thread.

A personal matter has come up that will keep me off CPF later today and I'd just as soon keep this open another day.

Thanks for your interest.

QtrHorse - PM sent. Let me know if we need to change things for you. I'll check in sometime tomorrow.
Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

Thanks for the extra day. Hope all is alright at home.

2-0.650 1-#2 & 1-#5 $44.00 + $5.50 shipping
** CLOSED ** to new participants.

I'll be getting these packed up and ready to send to Mac.

I'll post progress reports in this thread along the way.
Re: 2nd RUN: Custom Reamed Camless Reflectors

Hi Greg,

I would like 5 - .650 Reflectors for LED

1x #2 - Light Orange Peel
1x #3 - Medium Orange Peel
1x #5 - Light Stipple
2x #6 - Medium Stipple

:paypal: Thanks!

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