CPF Heros?


Nov 21, 2008
Northern Minnesota
I know this sounds kinda corny but do you have any CPF heros? I mean is there certain people on here that you look up to either for there knowledge or point of view or wisdom? I know I do. I consider CPF more than just a forum, Its like a second home. You get to know people from around the world through buisness dealings, questions, and their responses. Maybe its the Flashaholic in me but some people want to meet there favorite singer or actor some day, I on the other hand would like to meet some of the regulars on CPF/CPFMP. I dont wanna mention any names because I know ill forget some. All I know is theres a ton of top notch folks here and Im happy to have found it. :wave:
Yes, I have some of those. We have amazing people here, and I learned a lot. And I am not talking flashlights.
In no particular order....
Dark Zero excellent modder and helped me with parts
JTR1962 Great LED testing
MrGman for flashlight testing
4sevens for getting me addicted to LEDs and modding
Long gone but not forgotten Jarhead Aka:Newbie

I am sure I have forgotten many other that have helped me along the way. So with that said, thanks to everyone, even some the new guys who come along with great ideas advancing our sickness. :)
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I guess they are more like legends than heros, but some "oldies" that aren't around much anymore are Quickbeam and Chevrofreak. They helped feed my itch when I first got hooked. There are so many that have "picked up the slack" so to say.

I have to say this is the most impressive online community I have had the pleasure to come across. Thanks to EVERYONE who continues to make it better!
I agree this forum is leaps and bounds better than most others I have come across. For the most part everyone new and old is friendly, helpful, and respectful.
I guess they are more like legends than heros, but some "oldies" that aren't around much anymore are Quickbeam and Chevrofreak.
Chevrofreak hangs out at BITOG (Bob Is The Oil Guy).

I found a post of his from last week over there where he is pushing someone to the Eneloop side :)

I would have to say that Silverfox and Mdocod would be my CPF Heros.
Battery information is why I originally came to CPF.
I have learned a lot of information on batteries from those two guys.
A few classes of heroes:
  • The oldtimers who still manage to post often enough to keep the rest of us informed: Silverfox and mdocod being just two examples off the top of my head - many of us would have had 'vent-with-flame' engraved on our tombstones if it weren't for these two. The fact that they can still write intelligently is proof that all of those dumb questions from us newbies hasn't yet turned their brains to mush. :)
  • The moderating machine called DM51, who tirelessly keeps CPF organized. More than half of CPF M6 ownership is due to his 'SureFire M6 Rechargeable Options' thread, for which SureFire should award him his very own PK edition of the SureFire M6.
  • Sgt. LED - anybody who posts as much as he does with that much common sense has a very high probability of saying some very smart things. ;)
I have to step out for a moment, but will post again with my two personal 'unsung' heroes, who have had a huge influence on my particular interests here. They have been around for longer than I have, yet their total post counts are currently only 83 and 199...

(to be continued...)

Edit: LOL, Black Rose posted Silverfox and mdocod as I was composing my post.
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When I first found this site I read all the postings by LuxLuther,NorthernLights,and 3x Trinity.Because of them I have become an incan fanatic.The regulators produced by member AlanB has been a real step forward in building 'hotwires'.

In the spotlight forum Patriot and BlueBeam 22 have helped me decide which lights to purchase.

When I need help with a battery question SilverFox or Mr.Happy have already answered it.

I'm a big fan of the work/products of Fivemega and AW.

There are others but that's it for now.

There are also a couple of members I consider "enemies'!!!

Trashman and TOOCOOL-someone named '911 Coverup' is coming to kick your *** in the future.
(It's an inside joke between certain members in a sub-forum on CPF-LOL-JK).
In no particular order....

Silverfox - Knows everything about batteries
Mdocod - Also knows everything about batteries
ElectronGuru - Mr Surefire Mod
Bones - The King of the Eneloop
Selfbuilt - His reviews are priceless for the forum

:twothumbs to you all.
ksbman and his Christmas Gifts threads makes CPF a much friendlier place.
unknownVT and ernsanada for their reviews.
The_LED_Museum for his reviews and Spectrographic analyses.
All the moderator team inclusive of our queen, Sasha. They have come up with the rules and a way of fairly and objectively enforcing it to keep this forum a wonderful place.

Some names that i remember because they have left a positive memories in my mind:
Jarhead/Newbie, tvodrd, Mr.Bulk, Lambda, Silverfox, kenster, ksbman, quickbeam, mcgizmo, ernsanada, and soo many others...

Thanks CPF and everybody.
I must say that just about every subforum you enter here on CPF has someone very knowledgeable in the particular interest.

I wish Don Klipstein and Vic from the lighting netnews group were here. They know their stuff.

For me, I give a nod to jtr1962 for his LED testing and Milkyspit for getting me some hard to find LEDs. Many here were already mentioned and some were not who have been a valuable asset to my learning and product testing/reviews for items I have bought or will buy.
There are definitely a big bunch who have the knowledge / experience that I take notice when they weigh in - you know who you are :wave:. I also appreciate the good nature and humor of most everyone here who make up this community and the mods who help make it so. :thanks:
I definitely admire the dedication of selfbuilt in producing his very thorough (and very valuable) reviews.

And of course all of the dedicated CPF Mods.
Whilst there are a couple of users who do stand out in my mind, CPF is, to me, more than merely a collection of individuals, however talented or knowledgeable. It's the community itself that I look up to.

Having said that, I will mention a few names, as they exemplify everything that's good about the community. First, Size15's for the wealth of SureFire knowledge he has brought to CPF. Second, DM51 for doing such a good job manning the flood gates. And, of course, Greta for making it all possible.
