CPF will eventually linger on as an example of how BBS were killed off by over modera

The moderation seems to ebb and flow. Lately, it's seems about right. But I've seen other times where moderation was far too heavy, and threads are closed just because a mod seems to be having a bad day. Other threads where very good info is deleted, because the mod doesn't think it belongs in that particular thread.

Perhaps the mods are in a better mood in the summer, or have better things to do, and go a little easier on the moderation.

Definitely moderation is needed, but sometimes tangents in threads are good.

+1000. Completely agree. In the past I've certainly had my complaints, but it's been downright pleasant for the last several months.
I agree. It has improved quite a bit. At least there's some form of regulation but it hasn't been overbearing. Some tangents are allowed, other times the mods will wrangle things back on track rather than deleting posts with no warning. I've been very happy with cpf lately. :)
deleting posts with no warning

That's exactly what caused the Great Slashdot Revolt. It was unnecessary as the mod system put "deleted stuff" at -1, where it could still be read by a certain kind of person. Post anonymously and browse at -1. It was like more than one website in one. Anyone who disagreed with the new admin in any way got zapped, banned, you name it. All for voicing thoughts and feelings, something that was heavily respected at that site up till then. It was the first time that sort of thing happened in the history of Slashdot. It was the end. :(

Great way to destroy a community, from what I've seen. DICE's attitude was "that's okay, we'll just rebuild the user base after we get rid of all of these malcontents." Wow. How backwards can you get? Exactly why were they upset, again? The admin definitely needed to pull their head out and listen to the super-long-term mature user base, rather than zapban-hammering everyone who suggested a better way.

Dice hung themselves. I got my first ban ever from them.... for suggesting they stick with Slashcode (which all the users pretty much liked) and don't move forward with their Beta (which all the users hated, pretty much.)

It was even on topic in the thread! Boom, every post you ever made deleted and people talking to a non-present ghost in old threads.
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CPF translation: Imagine someone bought the CPF website and then banned HKJ and Selfbuilt for the formatting in their reviews. Anyone who stands up in their defense gets banned. All posts deleted. Zap banned, you never existed.

Thread integrity? What's that?

This is what DICE did to Slashdot by hiring new admin who did not fundamentally understand what was going on and how it worked, then firing and running off all of the old heads... saying "this is not our target demographic."

Now for a riddle: Who am I? :) :) (If you know the answer, don't post it and spoil it. You know who I am.) :) :)

Anyone "still remember?" Hope there's more than one of you that does. :)
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I have no clue what you are talking about. This thread is about CPF not Slicespot or whatever.
:rolleyes: We were discussing moderation, both over- and under-. I was merely relating a story of a moderated site that had a way to access unmoderated functionality for those to choose to fly that way. CPF has that as well, it's called The Underground, but it is not tightly integrated into the main site as that other one I mentioned. Downmodded CPF main content doesn't automatically become Underground content, correct?

Don't worry about my riddle. Doesn't matter now, anyway. Old news. (for Nerds, stuff that didn't matter.) :)

NBP, sir, I'm not sure CPF realizes the scale of what I'm talking about.

Almost 3 million registered nerds with OCD and Asperger's both cried and suddenly cried out at once, and were suddenly silenced. The last vestiges of the Old Republic were swept away. Indiscriminite zapban-hammer is the Death Star to a community, even one of far in excess of 3 million counting the lurkers. By some estimates, it was possible around 50 million visitors a day... depending.

Does this sound an issue of bad users or bad moderators who fundamentally did not understand the users? I really hope it doesn't happen here. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it... some time, some where...

It was a veritable Nerd Holocaust. Never again, I hope. Never another Nerd Alderaan. Then came the Clone Wars, Kuro5hin and others tried to become what Slashdot was. Dark times, dark times...

It was a grave disturbance in the Force.

Edit: People had been going there 10+ years, some folks met/married/raised kids because of that site. We're not talking about the inconvience of 10, 200, or even 200,000 people. There are young 'uns running around this moment who can say "Mommy and Daddy didn't meet on Facebook, they met on Slashdot. That is why I can program C++."
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Yes I get the point, I just am not sure it is an analogous situation. At any rate, if no one here is familiar with the specific details of the noted event, generalities may suffice. Ex.: Over moderation can kill a community just like undermoderation. Sounds like all things in moderation is the key. [emoji6]
A deceased relative of mine (WW2 vet) had a picture drawn of him when he was in the service. It was intended to look like him when old. They got it almost dead on.

His caricacture was holding up a sign that said "Moderation in the pursuit of vice is virtue." :) Probably how he lived into his 70s.

I've been saying it occasionally all of my life.

At any rate, if no one here is familiar with the specific details of the noted event, generalities may suffice.

;) In abuse of power, it's best to remember. Some things aren't to be forgiven. United we stand, divided we fall. You aren't alone. News to history, history to legend, and legends forotten.;)


Is it any wonder I was among the first to go when the crackdown came? :)

"The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." I had IP addy zapped in the Beta database for that exact post, once upon a time.:oops: Strike at the shadows and strike your own forces, Dark Side! :) :) Call it a "friendly DOS." :) Sure hope a DICE mod didn't lose anything over that. That'd be horrible! Nothing is worse than blackholing! :) That's my IP address! :)
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My goodness, more_vampires, have I mentioned lately how much I like you? ROFL

On topic, when I first came to CPF less than a year ago I was amazed at how heavy-handed some of the mods were, and I haven't noticed that lately.

I'd also like to express my opinion that some others of the mods have done a stellar job all along!

There is another flashlight board where I am also a member, and some people there complain about this site and the moderation.

1) Honestly, in the three years I've been here I have seen very few cases of over-moderation. Typically the moderators only get involved when a thread goes off-topic, or if people get crank/rude, or if the discussion turns to politics or about using flashlights as weapons. Maybe this place was different 5+ years ago, but it seems pretty good now-days.

2) This board is not a "Public Forum". It is privately owned and operated. By coming here you agree to the rules set by the owner(s). If you don't like the rules, find another forum or start your own.

Do I agree with every decision regarding closing/locking a thread? No. . In fact there is a certain moderator who use to be here, but haven't seen very much of him/her lately who I am a bit glad taht he/she is not around as much.

But then, I don't own this space. I'm merely here as a guest of our host(s).

>> There are a billion forums where you can run wild and act like an idiot, far fewer where it's friendly and comfortable.

Very True!!
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>Worst BBS Problem?

>Same-friending by small user-base BBS owner + guys in suits

>See also, TOTSE.

>See also, I own this land, therefore nothing else applies.
Even if it is actually your land, or theirs.


Mentor and Hobbit would not approve.

Do your rights really end where mine begin? Do mine really end where yours begin? Don't enslave me, bro! 2nd, 5th, 10th? Uhhh 18th? 53rd? uhhhh?
Wrong order? BOR? Nah, nobody knows what that is.


Any former Phrack readers here?

Off topic: Has anyone hacked a Gibson? Mine was a late 70s maple. Sweet body, but the humbuckers were trashed. Those are actually set properly with beeswax in those years. Gave it to someone who actually played, therefore I was a hack.

On topic: HACK THE PLANET(s)! (Assuming scientists don't take away planet status from more planets. Shame if they did it to ours.)
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Moderation is as necessary as administration. I think usually its communication that fails, misinterpretation or misjudging appropriatness or relevance, can attract moderation, as well as how dull a day it is and how interesting a thread it may be. The moderators (here at least) often have expert knowledge of tremendous interest to posters, but unlike mere mortal posters with expert knowledge, are like many humans as often inclined to have the last word whether moderation proper appears or not. Humans simply aren't perfect. Moderators, for their necessary and in --all my experience-- unpaid work, get partially compensated by at least having the option, often after the fact, to appear to be perfect.... posters get a few, but they have all the forum thread tools/toys. They are benevolent dictators, which lean towards the highly tolerant and easy going variety. You can't beat them.
I was picked as one of the first Mods for the original CPF, and have to say it had its ups and downs, but never board killing controversies. Historically, the light hobby and CPF has never succumbed to the overly silliness that can plague other tertiary hobbies and hobby related boards.
Lol, Dano. One of the (few) problems Slashdot had was with the "alpha geek" mentality. Get those guys together and there will eventually be some nerdrage. Thankfully, CPF is super-light on nerdrage.

I think that's a good thing. I prefer non-stop jokes, myself.
...just alpha flashaholics. :) You know the ones, the guys who get into 100w+ carbon arc? :)

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