We were discussing moderation, both over- and under-. I was merely relating a story of a moderated site that had a way to access unmoderated functionality for those to choose to fly that way. CPF has that as well, it's called
The Underground, but it is not tightly integrated into the main site as that other one I mentioned. Downmodded CPF main content doesn't automatically become Underground content, correct?
Don't worry about my riddle. Doesn't matter now, anyway. Old news. (for Nerds, stuff that didn't matter.)
NBP, sir, I'm not sure CPF realizes the scale of what I'm talking about.
Almost 3 million registered nerds with OCD and Asperger's both cried and suddenly cried out at once, and were suddenly silenced. The last vestiges of the Old Republic were swept away. Indiscriminite zapban-hammer is the Death Star to a community, even one of far in excess of 3 million counting the lurkers.
By some estimates, it was possible around 50 million visitors a day... depending.
Does this sound an issue of bad users or bad moderators who fundamentally did not understand the users? I really hope it doesn't happen here. Those who don't know history are doomed to repeat it... some time, some where...
It was a veritable Nerd Holocaust. Never again, I hope. Never another Nerd Alderaan. Then came the Clone Wars, Kuro5hin and others tried to become what Slashdot was. Dark times, dark times...
It was a grave disturbance in the Force.
Edit: People had been going there 10+ years, some folks met/married/raised kids because of that site. We're not talking about the inconvience of 10, 200, or even 200,000 people. There are young 'uns running around this moment who can say "Mommy and Daddy didn't meet on Facebook, they met on Slashdot. That is why I can program C++."