Disappointing AKOray k-106, What should I get with $98 store credit?


Newly Enlightened
Apr 22, 2010
Hi all, long time lurker, first time poster.

I have purchased a few k-106 3 mode programmable units that are AWESOME.

So, based on my experience with them I ordered 6 of the 5 mode lights as Christmas gifts for folks that wouldn't appreciate the programming.

All 6 lights were defective, 5 wouldn't light up at all, 1 would only work on a 14500, which is no good for a non-flashaholic.

So, I finally get the return situated, too long to give me a refund via paypal (90 day rule?) and have $98 worth of DX store credit.

Wondering what light I should order now. I have 5 people to gift these to. 2 Gals who will need purse lights (I would get them iTP A3's like I now have, but DX doesn't carry them), and 3 guys who will use them for work lights.

This whole thing has been a nightmare. I would love to simply have 5 of the 3 mode programmable, but it seems they are now shipping a 6 mode at DX?

Let me know what you guys think.
Get them the Tank 007 E07s and no-one will be disapointed. They're like cheap EZAA's. One mode, small and pocketable, so easy to carry that the one I gave my girlfriend is actually carried in her handbag everywhere she goes, about 100 lumens light on basic Alkaline or Ni-mh's i'd say, which is more than the original K-106. They're also about $15 each on DX so they seem to fit the bill perfectly :twothumbs They come in a nice presentation box like a 'proper' light too, which is even better for adding that touch of perceived quality to gifts. ;)
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You might also consider the Uniquefire S10 Cree R2-WC 220-Lumen LED Flashlight (1*AA/1*14500) at $12.96. (sku.30987 or 30984).

Works fairly nice on AA, has a reverse clicky, one mode only, so no hassle for non-flashoholics :)

If you do prefer a forward clicky, those for the Romisen RC-N3 do fit (available at www.shiningbeam.com for $1.35)

I'd just let the store refund sit there untill you need it for something else and get your friends proper 3-modes from KD! Mind you, shipping will take ages on these as i have a feeling they still have to be grown at the factory or something at the time kai places an order at Akoray ;)

The 3 and 5 modes are worlds apart, almost like they're built at a completely different factory or something (with the 5 mode being a bad replica of the 3-mode).
I've read about a lot of bad experiences with those 5-mode AKOrays, especially lately.

I really like the Trustfire XP-E F23. I've given those to a couple of women. It is great on li-ion 10440's, but works fine on a AAA too (not much run time though).

Don't let the store credit burn a hole in your pocket. You shouldn't have any trouble using it up over time.
Ok, just ordered 3 k-106 3-modes for the guys from KaiDomain.

Now, the purse lights for the ladies. If an ITP EOS A3 would be perfect, what is the best substitute available from DX?

Ok, just ordered 3 k-106 3-modes for the guys from KaiDomain.

Now, the purse lights for the ladies. If an ITP EOS A3 would be perfect, what is the best substitute available from DX?


Not sure there is one ....
Having said that , Black Cat AAA ... or the Tank AAA , gave both to my Mother and she likes them very much [ Purse lights ]

Head on over back to KD and check out , Ive ordered one , and I hope its better than the black cat
If a light is to be given to somebody else, stay with single mode.

My recommendation EF-23; it looks stunningly beautiful, 3-mode is implemented sanely (with correct memory) and is bright on all types of batteries. It has real constant current regulator in it. It looks and feels very expensive.

- Vikas
I would put in a vote for the Tank007 TK-703 (comes in either black or red). I recently purchased a RED and it works well. I have been using it as an EDC and am still on the first battery after about 2 weeks. Small, bright and simple to use
I have a support request to see if there is any way that I can get the 3-mode programmable k-106's from DX, pending that:

I think I've settled on ordering two of the Trustfire ef23's, seem to get good marks from everything I've read.

So, still have a bunch of $ left over if I go that route, which has me thinking...

I am still very much at the beginning stages of flashaholism, and my only lights are an iTP EOS A3 and an Akoray k-106 3-mode. Both great lights, can use common batteries, and in my eyes are keepers that can hold their own against much more expensive competitors.

But, I need something more powerful for the arsenal maybe? I really like the concept of the iTP A6, and I have a bunch of duraloops (get them for $7 per 4 pack).

Should I be looking at a DX p7, MCE, or SST-50, XP-G?

If so, what's my best bet?

I like something with multi modes, because battery life options come in handy.

Thanks for the advice,
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Seems like most of the P7 and MC-E lights at DX run off of 18650 lithium ion batteries. For best results try to find a light that uses 2x18650. I think if I were in the market for a big light, I might get the Trustfire TR-1200 sku.30683 with 5 LED's and 2 or 3 18650's.
Take a look at the Uniquefire L2 R5 (5 mode) uses (1)18650. The emitter is a XP-G R5.

This has a good combination of run time and a balance between throw and flood with a larger hotspot than a XR-E.

It's my old around light along with the 3 mode programmable Alkoray K-109 (CR123) for a smaller carry.

Another plus for the Uniquefire is that it's a P60 host so you can use it with other drop-ins.
Well made my order today:

20392 TrustFire Protected 18650 3.7V True 2400mAh Rechargeable Lithium Batteries (2-Pack) x 2 Pending $9.68 -
24220 UniqueFire AA-S1 3W OSRAM 160-Lumen LED Flashlight (1*AA/1*14500) x 1 Pending $9.93 -
24291 TrustFire XP-EF23 XP-R2-WC 3-Mode 150-Lumen Memory LED Flashlight (1*AAA/1*10440) x 2 Pending $13.61 -
30683 TrustFire TR-1200 HA-III 5*Cree Q5-WC 1200-Lumen 5-Mode Memory LED Flashlight (2*18650/3*18650) x 1 Pending $45.20 -

Hope I did ok...I've never had an 18650 light before.

Thanks for all the help guys!