Dive Light LED


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 14, 2008
I am in the process of building some 12W LED canister lights for technical diving. These will be based on the SSC P7 LED. I have had some requests for a higher power LED in the range of 20-24W. Can you tell me what LED would meet this requirement. I would like something that can run on LiIon batteries (3.7, 7.4 or 11.1 volts) and a single piece LED unit. I have seen the Osram Ostar and was wondering if rhis would be the best. Also, please recommend a driver.

Need help finding reflector for dive light

I am building a dive light and would like to have a really tight beam. Using a P7 as well as Osram 27W. I would like a 35mm reflector with 6 degree beam. Can you help me?
Re: Need help finding reflector for dive light

consider the section on dive lights.
Frean makes a 34mm that does a decent job with a P7 but for diving I'd think its a lot of spill. Search Nailbender and reflectors, there is a thread in custom b/s/t with this reflector for sale, along with Ledil Boom

The sandwich shoppe sells an array of custom reflectors, it is highly regarded for parts and knowledge on CPF, but you'll need someone else to tell you more.
Re: Need help finding reflector for dive light

This weekend I'm going to do a test with a P7 (and hopefully an SSR-90) with about 4 different reflectors, 2 collimators, and 4-5 glass condensers. It will be posted in this section
Re: Need help finding reflector for dive light

The Fraen 34mm is ok but nowhere near 6-degrees. You aren't going to find a 6-degree beam with an MC-E in MR11 format I'm afraid. The closest I've got is by removing the glass lens from an MC-E and using the Fraen reflector. This had the effect of giving a narrower hotspot than standard - still not 6 degrees though - but at the cost of too much spill for a dive light. I've moved on to HID for future MR11 projects. I'd suggest you try the Ledil Iris optic which seems to offer a useful beam for a dive light. Ideally you should start playing with aspherics if you are set on that narrow a beam from a multi-die emitter.
I also tried the Polymer Optics 225 and it was complete rubbish..
Re: Need help finding reflector for dive light

An aspheric with a reflector will give a pretty ugly beam.

An aspheric lens with a SST-50 LED could work though, but I'm not sure how narrow the beam would be.
Re: Need help finding reflector for dive light

You might want to post in the Dive Light forum (or mods move it), where I'm sure others will be able to help, and will be interested your posts.
Re: Need help finding reflector for dive light

Thanks for all the great information... I do like the larger reflectors, but I'm stuck with 35mm for my design.
I am also toying with HID lights.
Re: Need help finding reflector for dive light

LED is completely the wrong section for this... I'll move it to the Dive Lighting section for you.

OT: I need a dive can to test my latest light with, you don't take PM, could you contact me with info...

for LEDs

have a look @ SST-90's & SST-50's...


I think it would be best to have your requirements for this light in one thread, so I'm merging this thread with your other one.

OT: I need a dive can to test my latest light with, you don't take PM, could you contact me with info...

for LEDs

have a look @ SST-90's & SST-50's...



Hi Ktronik,
Im aware of your mtb lights, have you made something thats divable??

Hi Ktronik,
Im aware of your mtb lights, have you made something thats divable??


I hope to test the k-lite as a dive light......ottoboxs got here to day for some shallow testing...will keep ya posted...

err sorry 350 for the mini hyjack... :eek:
Will the light have to go in a otterbox?
Or can i ride my bike on the bottom of the sea without changing anything to the light? :D
Will the light have to go in a otterbox?
Or can i ride my bike on the bottom of the sea without changing anything to the light? :D

batts in ottobox for shallow testing, light on bar, no need to change anything to light unit
Which light head are you testing?
How deep are you going to test it to?
I assume you know the lens needs to be thicker to withstand pressure at depth?
If you can make a bike light that doubles as a dive light i think your onto a winner..
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Which light head are you testing?
How deep are you going to test it to?
I assume you know the lens needs to be thicker to withstand pressure at depth?
If you can make a bike light that doubles as a dive light i think your onto a winner..

Hey Gold,

don't want to hyjack this thread... I will PM you..

Start another thread? Im read both the dive light and bicycle forums on here, and also the MTBR diy section so you have my interest..